“But if we go to my dorm, you’re just gonna be interested in all the other girls!” Vanessa protests, “They’re all prettier than me, and you’ll just forget I’m there- like all the other boys I’ve brought over…”

“First of all, that would just be disgusting and rude! And second of all, telling me there’s a bunch of hot girls in your dorm is definitely not making me want to go less!” You joke, just hoping you can have some fun with a student.

“Fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you…” She trails off, grabbing your hand and leading you from the cafeteria.

The journey to her dorm is a short one, full of surprised stares as you’re taken through the crowded paths. You just follow the swaying of her plaid miniskirt, a goofy smile across your face as you’re led by the hand.

“Never realized this was a girls’ dorm!” You chuckle as she brings you through the doorway, nervous as the flowery scent of perfume fills your nostrils.

The hallway you walk down is empty, just plain white walls all around you. The sound of a woman struggling suddenly gets your attention, and you drag Vanessa to a bathroom with an open door.

“Sorry! I totes forgot to close the door!” A buxom girl giggles as you round the corner, plush breasts bouncing as she tries to squeeze herself into a little sheer blue dress.

You approach in silence, body almost moving on its own as you walk into the bathroom.

“Not for you!” Vanessa suddenly interjects, pulling your hand away as the beautiful woman in the bathroom giggles flirtatiously.

Should I close the door?” She asks with a wink, finally pulling the collar of her dress over her plush breasts.

“All good, sis!” Vanessa replies, pulling you away as her dorm mate turns around and playfully sticks out her tongue.

“We’ll have some alone time in my bedroom…” Vanessa purrs, her delicate voice like a massage on your mind.

Your thoughts slow as she opens her door, eyes glazed over as she soothes you with words. You can barely keep your eyelids open, and you’re left speechless by the weight of your jaw.

“You must be exhausted from all that walking, I bet you just want to lie down!

You probably want to get into something more form fitting and comfy, something to hold everything in place. We’ll swap those ugly sneakers with-”

“Good morning mistress!” A sweet voice suddenly interrupts Vanessa, a cute mousey girl with enormous breasts kneeling at the foot of Vanessa’s bed.

“Very funny, Milly!

Could you just excuse us?

I want to have some fun with my friend here, so just give us a little privacy, please.” Vanessa commands, “Go help Danielle into her dress, I think she’s trying on that new shipment I got for everyone!”

“Like, whatever you say, but don’t you usually want…

I mean, like, most guys love when we…” Milly turns to you with a heaving bosom, wry smile curling her perfectly plump lips.

She turns her shoulders purposely, letting her hefty chest jiggle for a moment as she stares into your eyes. The very first sight of her had stunned you, and by now you’re speechless. You can only watch as Milly puts her fists where a theoretical cock might be, and pumps enthusiastically as her breasts bounce uncontrollably.

“I don’t kn- know-”

“Not right now, Milly!!” Vanessa cuts you off, instantly sending her slutty friend scampering for the door.  

You thought the hazy feeling you had was from Millly’s overt lust, but you’re still feeling almost inebriated even after she leaves. You try to stay upright, but you suddenly feel much lighter on your feet- which causes you to almost collapse!

“Oh no, let me help!” Vanessa exclaims, rushing over to help you out of your jacket.

This probably isn’t the sexiest thing, but if this is what gets you undressed with Vanessa…

You close your eyes and stretch your arms out, staggering as she removes your heavy jacket.

Why’s it so breezy on your torso?

Where’d your shirt go??

“This feels weird…” You trail off as you look down, vision blurry as you try to put a finger on what’s wrong with your voice.

“Never slept in a girl’s room?” Vanessa laughs, now behind you and helping to pull your shorts down.

“I- I’m just… Is this an undershirt?” You ask innocently, feeling mass drop and weigh down your chest as you bend over to get your pants off.  

The silence behind you does nothing to answer your question, but it’s almost forgotten as another thought takes over your fluffy mind.

“When did my boxers get so tight?

They’re like, totally giving me a wedgie- and it feels… really good…” You giggle, tugging at your waistband and whimpering as warm euphoria pools in your loins.

“You look exhausted, maybe you should lie down for a little bit…” Vanessa suggests, folding your jacket as her bed calls for you.

“Yeah, like, maybe a little rest will clear my head…” You squeak, mind spinning as your jellowy mass jiggles with every movement.

You land softly on Vanessa’s bedspread, a lot lighter than you expect. Your chest reacts wildly, bouncing uncontrollably as heavy eyelashes flutter involuntarily. You feel the need to speak up, but can’t think of a word to say; simply brushing blonde locks from your deep cleavage as Vanessa folds up your skirt.

“Just rest your eyes for a minute, and relax. I’ll just finish you off here, and then we’ll never see each other again!” Vanessa says cheerfully, soothing you with her sweet voice as you breathe calmly.

“That sounds wonderful, mistress…” You reply, barely conscious as all light slips away.  

You can feel her come closer even with your eyes closed, plump lips tingling as her soft ones touch yours. She doesn’t kiss you though, resting gently against you before she suddenly starts speaking.

“I will be my master’s toy.

A dumb slut with no restraint, happy to do whatever I’m told.

My boobs are for playing with, my pussy only exists to be filled.” Vanessa says, your lips moving in sync with hers as a husky voice comes from the soul of your chest.

You can feel your mind warp in line with your involuntary words, even as their meaning falls deaf on your now feeble mind. You float in a state of euphoric nirvana, barely intelligent enough to process time as Vanessa turns you into the shell of a busty bimbo.

You lose all feeling as your ears ring, completely sensationless as silence and darkness consume you.

Then out of nowhere a bright light sears, and you suddenly feel yourself standing precariously.

“You said this is top of the line?” A deep voice demands, two calloused hands roughly examining your soft body as the smell of wet pussy fills your nostrils.

“My newest model” You hear Vanessa laugh, “And I know how you like the big puppies!”

“Newest doesn’t mean best…” The man handling you responds, lifting your garter as your body naturally reacts.

Fluffy bubbles form in your mind as the guy’s hand crawls down your spine, making you straighten your back and whimper from even his lightest touch.  

“That is pretty juicy…” The man reaches down and chuckles as your legs spread open, “And you said she used to be a teacher?”

“Yup. Huge asshole, made me retake his class just to sleep with me!” Vanessa tells her friend, “I could change her up if you’d like, I just thought this was your type and-”

“She’s perfect, I’ll take her!”