“Yeah, my guy wasn’t around, so I got this from a random dude at the 7-11”

Alex took the dime bag from his friend, bringing it close to his face to check out the contents.

“Looks fine. Thanks dude, here you go.

Wanna smoke this with me?”

“Can’t, I’m busy today, I'll hit you up tomorrow though…”

Alex handed his friend a twenty, and the two parted ways.

When he got home he quickly opened the bag and pulled out a nug, taking an extra second to give it a good close up look. He broke a piece off, pausing to appreciate the… pink dust?

Alex felt a tingling in his nose, but ignored it as he ground the weed in his fingers and placed it in his favorite bowl.

A sweet aroma filled his nose as the flame first touched the greens, with an even sweeter taste on the smoke. He tried keeping it down long, expecting it to be smooth on account of the flavor. Before he finished inhaling, Alex was already choking and hacking.

“Wow this powerful”, Alex barely mustered to say out loud after several minutes of coughing. “Intense body high…” Alex looked down and gasped, why was he in nothing but his underwear?

“How many hits did I take? I don’t remember getting undressed...” Alex shrugged and took another hit from the packed bowl, emptying it out and refilling it while coughing some more.

Suddenly his bladder felt full, and he hurried to the bathroom to relieve himself.

“What the hell?!

Why do I have tattoos and boobs???

Is my dick… fuck!!

Where did it…. Ooo…”

Alex arched his back and bent at the hip, his body reeling in pleasure from the weed he had just smoked.

“This shit is too good… I’m so relaxed…

Mmm…” The more he arched his back, the more intense a feeling rushed through him.

He could only stand and pose in the mirror for what seemed like hours before the high began to wear off, and he wasn’t in such a euphoric state.

“I’m still a girl? Fuck…”

Alex sat around, trying to do his regular tasks while waiting to change back.

It wasn’t that he hadn’t enjoyed himself, he just didn’t want to get stuck somehow.

He debated whether to call his friend or not, but decided it would be smarter to find out anything he could.

‘Did the guy say anything weird about the weed he sold you?’

Alex sent the text and waited anxiously for a response, which came a few minutes later.

‘Not really, said it was really good and to be careful. Y? Something happen?’

Alex read the text and sighed, that did not give him any answers…

‘It’s really good, just wanted to know if anything was up with it’

Alex put his phone down, but got a text back immediately.

‘Really?? Didn’t look so good… I finished my work, I’ll come over to try a little’

Alex began texting back how busy he was, but was cut off when his phone suddenly died.


He scurried around the house looking for a charger, but couldn't find one.

It only took a few minutes for Rod to make his way over.

*Ding Dong*


The door opened, and in came Rod.

Alex hid in his room for a moment, before realizing how futile that was… He quickly put one of his tee shirts on, and watched it reach down past his knees. He had been a rather large guy before today, so his old shirts covered him like a dress.

“Alex are you in- O hello…” Rod cut himself off and offered Alex a handshake. “What’s your name, beautiful?”

Time froze for Alex, should he lie or just come clean? He didn’t want anything to become over complicated, and decided to confess.

“It’s me, Alex. That weed you gave me turned me into this…”

Rod stood open mouth with his hand still stretched forward, he looked extremely surprised. “So you’re a girl now? Why didn’t you tell me over text?”

“I was gonna try to hide and tell you not to come over, but my phone died”

Alex could see a spark in Rod’s eye as he smiled, “Right… your phone died…”

Alex knew what Rod was thinking, “Shut up asshole, I did not call you over to fuck.”

Rod smiled even bigger, “Great denial…”

Alex smacked his forehead, anticipating the worst coming from his friend.

“Could I see this weed again? I didn't really get a good look at it last night…”

While Alex got the baggy out from his room, Rod packed them bowls from his own stash.

“You’re lucky I brought my own shit over, Alex!”

Alex came back with the baggy, and handed it to Rod.

“Hmmm looks old… but smells great!” He cracked a nug open as he said this, and pink powder spilled into the bowl he had just packed.

“Oh! Forgot to give you this…” Rod handed the bowl to Alex, then tossed him a lighter.

“O thanks for picking me a bowl, man!”

Alex took the whole thing down in one hit, coughing his brains out as the same feeling from last night passed over him.

“Is this… the same shit from last night??”

“No, I got it from my guy. What are you talking about?”

“It just… Mmmm…

Maybe I’m just having a flashback…” Alex began giggling uncontrollably, and the same body high and pleasure rushed through him again.

“Alex are you feeling okay? You… you’re growing!”

Alex was still stuck in a deep haze, focused on the erotic sensations racing through her body.  A bubbly feeling built up inside her, and Alex began bouncing on her toes as she babbled ditzily.

Suddenly her shirt disappeared, and she was wearing a low cut sweater top with the most cleavage either friend had ever seen in person.

“O my gawd! My boobs are so big!

Finally! Give me more of that stuff, I need to be sexy!!”

Alex grabbed for the bag Rod held, but he kept it away from her.

“Stop, I’m not gonna let you feminize yourself further!”

As Rod stood and watched though, Alex’s body and clothes continued changing. He hadn’t seen it under her shirt before, but her boobs grew out and filled her sweater even more as it changed as well.

Soon her features sharpened, and Alex stood in a sexy onesie that showed off her wonderful bosom.  

“My body’s so…” Alex grabbed the back of Rod’s head, and brought him in for a long make out session. As the two began undressing themselves though, Alex’s high wore off. “What the fuck??”

Alex pushed Rod off her chest, and zipped up her onesie.

The zipper came right back down, and she fought with it several times before turning to Rod, “Leave, you asshole!! Never take advantage of me again!”

“But you-”


Rod ran out of the house, and slammed the door shut behind him.

“I can’t believe that asshole just tried raping me like that…” Alex trailed off, knowing she had initiated the kiss, but not wanting to admit it to herself. She wondered if Rod had brought over more of the feminizing weed, and passed out in a fit of sexual confusion.

Alex woke up later in the night, regretting falling asleep so early in the evening. She now had to be wide awake at three in the morning, and entertain herself.

She tried ignoring her obnoxiously curvy body, but every movement made it jiggle and bounce.

After eating dinner/breakfast, Alex contemplated showering. She didn’t want to get undressed and deal with this dainty body, but she felt really gross and sweaty from the whole day.

Half way through the shower, the head got clogged and stopped working.

Alex sighed, she was used to this and ready. The pipes were the issue, and there was nothing she could do to stop the shower head from not working on occasion.

Alex filled the bath tub and soaped up her body, moaning erotically as she caressed and rubbed her luscious curves. She tried to ignore the lust growing within her, but her body was shouting for attention. Each rub and wash made her breasts jiggle and swing off her chest, turning her on even more as she squeezed the inside of her juicy thigh.

Soon the feelings were too much, and Alex had to stop herself from just lying down and jilling off in the tub of used water.

She drained the tub and strutted back to her room, feeling horny and sexy.

She collapsed in the bed naked, aware of every jiggle and bounce her body made.

Alex still held onto a bit of shame, and writhed in bed trying to avoid filling the craving in her womanhood. Eventually the feelings overtook her, and orgasmic moans rang through the apartment as she intensely massaged her clit. Only stopping when the erotic strain in her stomach began hurting, and her fingers got charley horse from all the work they had done.

Alex finished cumming before the sun rose, falling asleep in a puddle of her juices as the earliest birds got their worms.

Dreams of partying and fun filled her head, and Alex smiled in her sleep as she dreamed about dancing and playing with her friends.

Tomorrow’s gonna be a fun day…

Sorry, this one got really long

Part II coming!!