I'll never forget the day she arrived. I'll never forget the day she arrived. Sophie: Sophie Tanaka, Nice to meet you!! πŸŽ” MC: N-Nice to meet you, T-Tanaka-san... Sophie: You can call me Sophie. We're almost the same age. There's no need for formalities. MC: S-Sophie-san, then... Sophie: Just Sophie is fine!... Hehehe... Japanese are so keen on formalities πŸŽ” MC ............. I can't deny I was expecting her to be pretty, but my expectations ended up being a total understatement. She was gorgeous!! Her face was so pretty that it seemed to be the picture of an angel. Her body, so voluptuous it seemed to be the image of Venus herself... ...But what stood out the most... Sophie: Is something the matter? MC: Eeh?!!... Sophie: Well, you have been staring at me without saying anything... MC: Aah!!... Well... that... Sophie: Is there something wrong with my clothes, perhaps? ...Her clothes were what stood out the most. She had a killer body, so those clothes just helped to emphasize the fact. MC: No!... Nothing wrong, I-I don't mind that kind of clothes, at all!! Sophie: You don't "mind"?... "That kind of clothes"? MC: I-I mean!!... There is nothing wrong with them... your clothes, I mean... That's what I mean... I mean... MC: (Aaaaah!! What the hell am I saying!! Stop repeating "I mean... I mean" like an idiot!!... Idiot!!). Sophie: Ha... Hahaha!!... MC ...Eh?!... MC (That's it!! I screwed up!! First impressions are important, and I just blew it!! She must think I'm some klutz or a weirdo!!). Sophie: Ahahahahaha!!... MC: ............. MC: (Well, it's not like I could have a chance with a girl like her... but still... At the very least, I should have been careful to give her a good first impression.... even a normal one would have been great!). Sophie: You're a funny one, don't you? MC: Eeh?!... Funny?!... MC: (She thinks I'm funny?!... But still, that means she doesn't think I'm a weirdo... yet... Seems like I somehow avoided an "Out" with just a "Strike"... I'm still "Safe!"!!... probably...) Sophie: Oh!... I didn't mean it in a bad way... Mmmmh... Fun is the word?... Fun to be with?... I'm sorry, my Japanese is not perfect. MC: Oh!! Don't worry about it! You are perfect! Sophie: "I" am perfect??... MC: I-I mean... You look perfect!!... No!!... That's not what I mean either!!... I mean... What I'm trying to mean... I mean, what I'm trying to say is...!!... MC: (Aaaah!!... I should just shut my trap already!!... Shut!! Shut!! Shut!!... Don't say anything anymore!!... Why am I trying to auto destroy me here?!). Sophie: ...Pfffh!!... Ahahahaha!!... MC: ............. MC: (I blew it again, didn't I?!... Or maybe not?!... M-maybe just two "Strikes"?!... Nah!... I'm "Out"!!... There's no way I'm "Safe" after that...). Sophie: Hahaha... Ha... I haven't laughed like that in so long!!... You're good!! MC: ...Eeeh?!... Good?!... Sophie: "Good" is not the word?... Mmmmh... Popular?... Popular with women?... MC: P-popular!!?... What makes you think that?! Sophie: Because you managed to make me laugh like that, in our first meeting, in such a short time... you're good!! MC: But I'm not really popular with women, like not at all... MC: (What the fuck am I saying?!... I somehow managed to avoid the "Out", but now I just swung on an obvious "Ball" with two Strikes!... Why am I trying so hard to sabotage myself?!). Sophie: Mmmmh?!... You're not popular?... MC: ...I... I... I'm not... that's the sad truth... MC: (But I can't help it... I'm weak at the power of eros before me. I can't help but answer honestly). Sophie: I wonder about that... I mean... what I mean is... Fufufu!... I mean... Hahaha... Ha... What I'm trying to say is..." MC: (Now she's just making fun of me... isn't she?... But I don't feel malice from her... I think she's doing it as a joke... It doesn't feel bad). Sophie: ...What I'm trying to say is... you're fun!... And you're honest!... and... you're not bad lookingπŸŽ” MC: ...Honest?!... MC: (Not bad looking?!... Does she thinks I'm handsome?!... No!! She didn't say that!!... She said "you're not bad looking"... Which means, I'm not ugly, but that doesn't mean I'm good-looking either. That was a "Curve"!!... Nice I saw it coming and kept my mouth shut!!... Good job, me!!). Sophie: Yes!... Honest!!... Like... most guys always try to impress. They try to show themselves like peacocks... so boring!!... MC: ...Like trying to make a good first impression?... Sophie: Yes!!... but not you... You don't try to show off... It's like, you don't even care... Mmmmh... What's the word?!... You're "transparent"? MC: (I'm not!!... I just lack the ability to show off before you... Like I'm facing a Pitcher way above my level, and now I'm just trying to swing at whatever you throw me with my eyes closed, in the hopes I could hit at something by mere luck). Sophie: Anyway... You're honest!... and you're fun!!... I think I like you already!!... Which is good!... Since we're going to spend a lot of time together from now on! πŸŽ” MC: ("Like"... "Together"... Damn!!... She can throw some sick balls!!... But I won't fall for that "faint". She's just trying to be sympathetic.) MC: Yes... I suppose we're going to... since we will be living in the same house and all... so... I'll make sure to always be there for you... Sophie: ...Mmmmh?... MC: ...I mean... I'll try to help you with whatever you need... so... don't hesitate to let me know... I mean... if there is anything you need, I mean... MC: (Stop with the "I mean, I mean" already!! Ban that word from your vocabulary from now on!!). Sophie: Hahaha... Then I'll take your word and let you spoil me from time to timeπŸŽ” MC: ... S-spoiled you?!... (Gulp!!) Sophie: Mmmmh... Is that not the word?... Like relying on you?... MC: Oh!! Yes!... You can rely on me!! Sophie: Then, how about now?!... I need a strong, reliable man that can spoil me... Are you ready to spoil me now?!... Can I rely on you?!... MC: ...E-eeeh?!... "Tu-thump... Tu-thump... Tu-thump... Tu-thump..." MC: (W-what is she trying to say?!... N-No way!!... I'm reading too much into it!!... There's no way!!... but...). MC ...I-I'll do whatever you ask from me... Sophie: ...Then...πŸŽ”" MC: (GULP!!!) Sophie: ...Can you carry my luggage inside?!... It's pretty heavy!... I need a strong, reliable man to do it for meπŸŽ” MC: Aaah!... O-of course!!... Sophie: Thank you!!πŸŽ” MC: N-No problem... at all... MC: (Strike-out!!!... The fuck I was thinking there?!... Of course, she was asking for something like that!!...). "..." "....." "........"