Version V0.5.2.1 (Patreon-only test build) The two new endings are linked to the two variants of ram-girl. The second ending only works if you have all the content enabled right now, I'll update that before public. They currently occur if a ram-girl makes you hit 0. The endings won't show up in the gallery yet but they should show on the main menu counter. Major Changes: -Gallery now features all of ram's new content as well as a toggle for ranked (elite) variants. -Both Ram types now have a load of potential dialogue -Added a game over with Ram-girl, including art and variant art. Minor Changes/Bugfixes: -The red ram's color now shows on all relevant marks/on the player condition. -Ram-girls now spawn somewhat spread out through the level. -When entering Endless, you will now be prompted if you want the bonus (start 70 health/END, a few extra abilities), you can choose not to take this if you want to game over quickly Tweaks/Barely worth mentioning (might not appear on changelog): -Reworked a certain transparency effect on all the small scenes (like the kissing scene). Hopefully you don't notice anything, if anything looks really weird, it might be a bug to do with this. -Made red ram's colors a little less extreme. -Refactored how corruptions are applied/saved so that I can corrupt player inside of dialogue, this could cause bugs if I did it wrong, hopefully I didn't. -Fixed visual bug with the 'darkui' effect in dialogue, only the choice buttons were being made pitch black. ------------------------------------------------------------ Version V0.5.2.0 (Patreon-only test build) As always, thank you for your support! This build is a build for testing and preview purposes. If you'd like to back up your save files you'll find them in %appdata% under "moncurse". It shouldn't do anything bad to your saves, it's just good to know that's where the saves are! Also, the changelog will likely be trimmed down to be more informative in the public release. HINTS: If you're struggling finding ram-girl's other interactions, you'll need to use attacks with Hypnosis. For the clothes, you'll need to be naked. There are slight variations to the scene depending on if you have animal-ears/tail or for the red ram but they're only slight differences. Major Changes: -Added an alternative outfit to the player with full sprite/scene/dialogue support. -Added a second small illustrated scene that'll have three minor variants -Updated ram-girl's art + now has multiple expressions + futa alt. -Player's tits now have more 'dynamic' growth, plus a milk debuff effect. With enough milk, they can get obscenely large. -Instead of simply turning NSFW on/off, Qades now opens a preferences menu. This currently includes 'Extreme Breast Expansion' (disables anything beyond bust size 4/bell) and 'Futa Enemies' (re-themes futa enemies as non-futa if possible). Qades now also appears in the Village area. -Enemies have a random chance ability drop table (experimental). The number of abilities the player starts with in endless has been reduced to accomodate. -You no longer get the yellow make-up effect with the horns TF, it's now a temporary (ends after 2 scenes) effect from the 'kiss' scene and it temporarily grants "Kiss". Horns TF now occurs from ranked ram's actions. -Following abilities can now be obtained by the player: "Kiss", "Resonance", "Spike Seal", "Hypnosis". Minor Changes/Bugfixes: -You can no longer draw new abilities after a 'FAST' ability by discarding the right-most ability. -Re-implemented hypnosis' debuff visual effect on the player's expression. -'hypnosis' screenfilter that originally showed from the cat-girl level / beads now also appears when hypnosis is high enough. The debuff level at which you are 'hypnotized' is now 5 instead of 4. -A couple of extra visual effects from the kiss scene (soon to update how ram's corruptions are applied) -Fixed an issue where it wouldn't save your NSFW toggle (it defaulted to always allowing NSFW) -Fixed an issue with how dragging-dropping abilities decided which direction you were aiming. -Hypnosis debuff (on enemies) no longer prevents ALL normal attacks, instead it only prevents attacks that deal damage. -Ram-girl no longer has 3 'normal' attacks (Heavenly Chord, Sheep Song, Hypnosis) but has 2, with the ranked up Ram-girl having Hypnosis instead of Sheep Song. Also, she gains 1 health from the kiss scene. -Updated 'block' graphics, since the old graphics were designed for directional blocks. -Added an effect that plays when you pick up an item. -SturdyBoots now actually work, and only require you to fall 4 spaces. Barely worth mentioning (might not appear on public release changelog): -Possession debuff now reduces player vision by 3 (doesn't stack with underwater vision reduction) (Needs bugtesting) -Corruptionbar now fills up 'smoothly' rather than in instant jolts if it's already filling (Needs bugtesting) -Slight extra screenshake when taking damage (Needs bugtesting) -New save variable, 'UniqueTFs', to separate total TF count from whether you've unlocked TFs. Old saves are automatically updated. You shouldn't notice any changes to the game from this. -The player yellow make-up has been adjusted to show more 'yellow' on darker skin colors. -The player ram-horns have been adjusted to match how I draw the horns now. -Qades now double-checks your consent option and you also get told how to change it if you enter the cat bad end with NSFW disabled. -Extra lines of dialogue if you name yourself 'petty' -Debuff numbers now show the correct number immediately after taking damage (so you can clearly see at what point 'hypnosis' takes effect) -Sparkle effect when the player or an enemy loses a level of debuff. -Damage (Except sweet) now decreases hypnosis/drowsy level proportional to the damage dealth. -Added hypnosis particles to enemies with hypnosis debuff. -Made that heart effect on some of the mini-scenes show up better.