My New Girlfriend Part One “So, uh… how’d you two… meet?” I couldn’t really blame Rich for inflecting the obvious question as he did. After all, I’d told the guys I’d been seeing someone new, but I hadn’t said much about the nature of someone. Courtney glanced at me as if for permission, and I gestured for her to go ahead and answer. “It was such a funny coincidence. So Drew and I take the same bus every day, and we must’ve seen each other a hundred times without even realizing it.” Stu nodded, and I could read his thoughts in his expression. I don’t think it’s possible for a guy not to notice this woman. Believe me, I’d noticed her a long time before we actually spoke. Hell, I’d been jacking off thinking about her for more than a year. “So then one afternoon, the bus was pretty crowded when he got on, and the only spot was right next to me. And so he sat down, and I could tell he was just SO shy. He wouldn’t even look at me, much less talk to me. And for a while, I was fine with it. I mean, random guys hit on me constantly, ya know?” “Yeah, I, uh, I can imagine,” Rich replied. He obviously didn’t mean to glance down at her cleavage, but he couldn’t help himself. It was a sight too incredible not to leer occasionally, and she never seemed to mind. “Right. So anyways, I was just about to get off at my stop, when like, I almost heard this voice talk to me in my head. And suddenly I just asked him out, and lucky for me, he said yes. And here we are!” Rich and Stu shared an incredulous look. It was the latter who gave it voice. “You mean, you just, out of nowhere, had the urge to ask out… Drew?” I know they didn’t mean it as an insult, and I didn’t take it as one. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a troglodye or anything, but I was probably a 5 at best, and Courtney… she was at least a 9. A 10 for anyone who didn’t have a thing against blondes. Tall, leggy, trim waist and wide hips, big ass and bigger breasts. I’d say she had a face that would let her do modeling, except she actually did model. We’d been dating for a few weeks now, and it made no more sense to me than it did to the guys. Anyway, Courtney hand-waved away their shock, as she always did when people expressed it. Which wasn’t uncommon. With the elephant in the room addressed, we were able to go on with our evening, watching football and hanging out. Courtney didn’t know or care a whit about sports, but she’d insisted she wanted to get more involved with my interests. You’d never have known she wasn’t a lifelong fan from the way she watched with us – she’d spent the past week studying rosters and statistics for both teams. Really, I was the one who’d been nervous to introduce her to my friends. We were normal, average Joe’s. Rich’s wife was cool enough, but she was in our tier. She made sense with him. Stu had never had much luck with the ladies, and had been single most of his life. I dated occasionally, but I wasn’t especially rich, or handsome, or interesting, or family-oriented. It never panned out. Then there was Courtney. Who treated me like I was some kind of Adonis, the catch of the year. I didn’t know what to make of it. Like when we went into the kitchen to refill the snack trays. She insisted on serving us, but honestly, I just wanted to sneak in a quick kiss or two without the guys there to gawk. She moaned into my mouth like she was on the verge of an orgasm when I did, easily loudly enough for the guys to overhear in the living room. “That was sweet – what brought that on?” she said when we broke it off, licking her lips to savor the taste of me as she usually did. “Nothing, I’ve just wanted to kiss you all night.” She smiled at that, her usual just-for-me smile that reminded me how women smiled in movies right before they kissed their perfect groom. It was intense. “Well why didn’t you? You know I always like to be kissed or touched by you.” “I know.” “Would you like me to sit on your lap when we go back in? I thought about it, but I didn’t want to obstruct your view of the game.” “No, that’s fine.” “And how about your friend Stu – I can’t believe he’s single. He seems so nice!” “He is. He’s just not… I dunno. Smooth. And ya know, he doesn’t take super good care of himself. A shame, too. He could really use a good lay to mellow him out sometimes.” “Oh. Do you… do you want me to sleep with him? Or do a threesome?” I took a deep breath. “No, Courtney. I don’t want you to sleep with him.” “OK,” she said as she picked up the plate of cheese and crackers. “Better hurry up – second half’s starting.” She pinched my butt with her free hand and sashayed back out to the living room. After another deep breath, I headed back out and joined them. When the game was over, the guys headed out. Neither one made it out of the driveway before texting me. Rich told me I was the luckiest fuck he’d ever met; Stu semi-jokingly told me he wanted the number of the escort service I was using. Courtney read them over my shoulder with a little giggle. “So I made a good impression?” “That was never a question, babe.” She came around behind me and began rubbing my shoulders. “Good. I never want you to be embarrassed to be with me. I want to make sure you look and feel as good as possible, always.” My eyes closed as she kneaded the tension out of my muscles. “I keep telling you, you don’t need to try so hard. You’re amazing just the way you are.” “You’re so good to me, Drew.” She fell silent as the backrub continued. Finally I felt like my muscles were about to droop off my bones, and I had her stop. “Can I return the favor?” “Oh, I’d rather be taking care of you. I feel so selfish and lazy when you reciprocate.” I wanted to point out the contradiction, but then she was kneeling in front of me and working at my zipper. “Can I suck your cock, Drew? I’ve been waiting to all day. I almost pulled you into the bedroom to give you a quickie during half-time, but you guys were talking and I didn’t want to be a pest. I want your friends to like me.” “If you think giving out amazing blowjobs would make them like you less, then you need to get to know them better.” She seemed to consider that a moment, then reached into the pocket of my pants, now down around my ankles. I watched as she pulled up those texts and sent a reply to each of them. They read the same: This is Courtney. I’m about to give Drew the blowjob of a lifetime. Had a lot of fun meeting you tonight. Hope we can do it again soon. She capped it off by snapping a seflie of her ruby red lips puckered in readiness to be penetrated and attaching it to the texts. “What brought that on?” I asked as she shed her top. Ever since I’d told her she had the most incredible rack I’d ever seen, she’d made it a point to be topless around me whenever possible. “You said the fact that I was blowing you would impress your friends. They should be impressed with you. You’ve got ‘the hottest set of jugs in the city’ wrapped around your finger.” She fondled said jugs, then leaned in to begin the blowjob. As usual, she moaned in relief like I was the one doing her a favor. “I never should’ve told you I’d written about you in my journal. Went straight to your head.” Not that I’d written much – it had honestly just been an off-handed reference after a day (long before we’d started dating) when she’d sat across from me in a square-necked top. It had seemed revealing at the time, though now that we were dating, she wore far sexier clothing any time we were alone, and most of the time when we went out in public. Unless I told her not to. She took a few slow licks up and down the length of my cock, which she never failed to make diamond hard. “I’m sorry, Drew. I’ll try not to get a big head.” Geez, was that not a problem. Every time we fooled around, Courtney took time to ask me how she’d performed. If she’d done anything I hadn’t liked, if she should do anything differently. I never had any criticism; she was hands down the most enthusiastic and generous lover I’d ever had, to say nothing of her raw sex appeal. So then she’d started offering alternatives and having me pick. “Do you like my blowjobs better when I play with myself, so we can cum together, or when I focus completely on you?” “Which one do you prefer – the thong, or bikini cut?” “Cowgirl, or reverse cowgirl?” “Do you like it when I don’t wear a bra?” “Would you rather fuck me in the shower, or in the pool? Or both?” And so on. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, for her to start asking for me to make some changes too, but she never did. The only thing she ever seemed to ask of me was to give her my opinion on what she ought to do. As she started bringing her blowjob to a close (fingering herself as I’d asked, as it was at least a way for me to let her have some pleasure for herself while she was taking care of me), I stroked her hair softly. Courtney smiled at me around her tongue as she teased it around my shaft, and I waited to see how she’d finish. After all, I’d told her I liked to be surprised on the whole spit/swallow/facial thing, and she was good about doing just that. Tonight, as I roared in exultation and unloaded my seed, she caught it in her mouth, then sat back on her heels, mouth wide to show me what she’d happily caught. As I watched, it trickled out and dribbled down her chin and down to her heaving breasts, glistening alongside her sweat. Then she took another selfie with my phone, and swallowed what was left. “In case you want to show your friends,” she said as she went to go clean up. Much as I wanted to humor her obvious exhibitionist streak, I didn’t send it. Those guys texted me too much as it was. “I never knew you were so into painting,” I remarked as we exited the show. It was my work-friend Elsie’s husband’s showing. Art shows weren’t really in my wheelhouse, but Courtney seemed to be enjoy being shown off, and what better venue than some ritzy art exhibit? She’d outdone herself, too, a dress that seemed elegant on the surface, but oozed sex appeal up close. It was slit up one leg to the hip, and the magnificent display it made of her cleavage with its plunging neckline surely received more appreciation than anything else in the gallery. “Oh, I’m not – I think painters are pretentious and modern art is so hideous and its evaluation so arcane that we may as well replace the contents of the Louvre with the productions of my nephew’s kindergarten class.” I arched an eyebrow. “But inside, you seemed to know so much about it. You seemed so excited about it.” “Oh, I just wanted to reflect well on you, darling. I’m on good terms with a few painters, so I got together with them and had them give me some talking points.” “You hate painters, but you have multiple painter friends?” “Yeah, I used to model nude for the art school downtown.” I made a face. “You never told me you modeled nude. When was this?” “Oh, up until we started dating.” “Oh. I guess when you said ‘model’ I pictured like catalogues and stuff.” Courtney squeezed my hand. “Those too.” We were quiet a while as I drove her back to her apartment. “Are you upset with me, Drew?” she asked at last. “What? No, sweetie. Just… surprised I guess.” “I’ve disappointed you.” She sounded disgusted with herself. “I’m so sorry. I’ll call the school up tomorrow and tell them never again, never ever. And don’t bother sending my last paycheck.” “Courtney, you don’t need to do that. I was just surprised is all. Maybe… a little jealous.” Also a little taken aback to realize I’d been dating someone who took their clothes off for money. It wasn’t the same as stripping, but still, there was no way those painters weren’t all too aware of what they were feasting their eyes on. I pulled up next to her apartment building and put it in park as she replied. “Aw, you don’t have to be jealous of anything, lover! They might’ve seen me naked, but they never saw how wet my pussy gets for you. They never saw my nipples harden up so they could cut glass because they’re so eager to get in your mouth. For them I just stand there like a statue, but for you I’ll strike any pose you like. Bend me, twist me, pull me however you like me. I’m your personal Barbie doll.” She nodded earnestly. I hit the button to roll up her window, giving an apologetic look to one of her neighbors, an elderly woman whose jaw had dropped to her collarbone at hearing my girlfriend’s babbling. “That’s… sweet, Courtney. Really. I’m sorry I made you feel bad – what you did before we went out is none of my business.” “I’ll make it up to you, I promise. Now, can I talk you into coming upstairs and letting me show you how fun it can be to play with your Barbie doll?” “Sorry, babe. It’s late, and I got work in the morning.” I couldn’t believe I’d hit a point in my life where this woman, this living sex goddess, was all but begging me to come home with her so she could give me any kind of pleasure I could name, and I was shooting her down. “That’s OK. Want to climb in the back seat and let me ride your cock there? Or I could just give you a blowjob right here.” “Babe… your neighbors are right there.” “I don’t care. I’d be proud to be seen taking care of my man.” I leaned in and gave her a kiss; she took my lower lip between her teeth and made be pull a little to get free. “I’ll call you tomorrow, OK?” When Courtney had said she’d make it up to me about the nude modeling, I’d honestly disregarded it. That had been silly. Beginning that night (before I could even get out of her neighborhood), she started sending me all manner of naked and indecent selfies. At first they were just something she did before bed on nights we didn’t see each other. A shot of her in just her bra and panties in her bathroom mirror, lying in bed lifting her breasts with her arm. Pretty typical sexts – not that I was at all ungrateful. Whatever my feelings about her, the attraction factor was rock solid. For both of us, however little sense it made to me. As the days passed, however, she was increasingly bolder. In the middle of a meeting at work, she sent me a picture of her in what appeared to be a prostitute garb (though might’ve just been something she’d picked out for a date night). Thigh-high boots over a spandex miniskirt and a top that was basically a corset pretending to be a halter top. Over breakfast one morning there was a video of her taking her morning shower, the curtain left pulled aside. It wasn’t even a normal shower – it was the kind of wriggly display usually relegated to softcore porn. I was out of town on business one weekend, and every hour on the hour she sent me a different picture of her pleasuring herself – in her bed, her couch, on her balcony looking out over the sunset, in her shower. Even some surreptitious shots of her on our bus, her legs spread just enough to take the shot, the shot just clear enough to show she wasn’t wearing panties, that her pussy wasn’t empty. I didn’t even stop at my house when I got back to town; I went straight to Courtney’s apartment and bent her over the arm of the couch she was laying on and fucked her without saying a word. Well, Courtney said a word. Two, actually. “Thank you,” she moaned over and over as I pistoned in and out of her. She came so hard she passed out. Tired from my work trip, I left her there, her shorts pulled down around her knees with my cum leaking out of her pussy, and went on home. What had come over me? I would never have considered treating any other woman I dated like that, just coming over for an unannounced booty call and pulling a blatant dick-and-dash. I’d used her. I’d treated this woman who was obviously crazy about me like nothing more than a warm, wet and willing hole to stick my cock in. Not that Courtney wasn’t all those things, and fantastically so. Still. I wasn’t that kind of guy. Was I? “I think maybe we need to slow things down,” I told her at our next date. We were at the drive-in theater outside town; it had been her suggestion, and I knew exactly why. “Slow things down? What do you mean?” “Really Courtney? We had sex on our second date,” I pointed out. “Only because you stopped me at a blowjob on our first,” she said, giggling and reaching her neatly manicured hand down to caress my crotch through my pants. I gently took her hand and placed it on her own lap. Courtney didn’t resist in the least. She was always so eager to fool around, it actually surprised me that she didn’t put up more of a fight. “I’m serious, Courtney. Don’t you ever think that maybe our relationship is a little too… physical?” “Too physical?” she repeated, perplexed, as if I’d told her our relationship was too fuchsia. “I don’t understand. Am I not sexy enough for you? I can try harder, really, just let me–” “No,” I interjected firmly. “See what I mean? I tell you I want to tone down the physical side, and your first reaction is to try to get more physical.” “I’m sorry. I just… I guess I thought that was the best way to make you happy. Men have always liked my body.” “And I do – don’t get me wrong, you’re the most beautiful, the most… you’re… look, I can’t even put it into words, you’re so hot. But that’s not everything in a relationship, right?” “Oh of course! My body’s not the only way I try to make you happy, honest. I’m learning about your interests and trying to impress your friends and learning how to cook and…” She stopped only when I held up a hand to forestall her. “See, that’s what I’m talking about. I’m not that hard to please, babe. You don’t have to try so hard to make me happy.” She laughed. Laughed! “Of course I do. I’m your girlfriend, silly.” I didn’t quite know how to respond to that, so we just watched the movie for a few minutes, the dialogue playing softly on the radio. “How about you just let me focus on making you happy for a while?” I said some time later as the protagonist finished wasting some bad guys. This was such a dude movie I couldn’t believe Courtney had suggested it until I realized she’d just picked the movie she thought I’d like best. (Incidentally, she’d done a fine job; I’d been planning on seeing it with Rich and Stu next week. “What? But you do make me happy, Drew. So happy – like, I’ve-never-felt-like-this-about-a-guy-before happy.” “But I don’t actually do anything for that. Like… you never let me cook for you, we always go to the restaurants I like or watch the things I wanna watch. You never even let me go down on you, and you’ve probably done it for me like a hundred times.” Man, was that even an exaggeration? “Drew… I like cooking for you, or going where you like, or watching what you like. I do. And I love going down on you. And I know you never said it, but I can tell eating a girl out isn’t something you like that much, and I feel really selfish lying there while you do something you don’t like when we could get each other off all kinds of other ways.” “I… but…” “Come on, why don’t you do me a favor and let me give you a nice long blowjob while you watch your movie, and if I don’t seem absolutely satisfied when they’re both over, then we can revisit this. How’s that sound?” It sounded idiotic as hell to talk her out of it. So I leaned my seat back, opened up my fly and let her try to prove her point. An hour later, watching her purr contentedly as I unloaded into her mouth right as the credits began to roll, I had to admit – she did seem awfully happy. Only… “Let it dribble out on your tits again,” I said, surprising even myself. I don’t even know why I said. She sat up, her smile broadening as it always did whenever she was able to coax suggestions out of me. It broadened so much that sure enough, the cum leaked right out. All around us other movie-goers were starting their cars and filing out; I could tell more than a few did a double-take as their headlights passed over the busty topless blonde in my passenger seat. Likely they couldn’t see what was spilling out over her breasts, or the wet spot in the crotch of her shorts from where her pussy had soaked through during the hour-long blowjob, but… they could see plenty as it was. Once I’d had a moment to recover, I tucked my package away and put the car in gear. Courtney retrieved a tissue from her purse to clean up, but I just gave her a look. “Leave it. And leave your top off.” She grinned. “Sure, lover.” Just like that, she rode along beside in me, the car silent except for the sound of my favorite radio station, which she turned on for me. On impulse, I pulled in to a drive-through and ordered us milkshakes. Courtney sat by uncomplaining as we sat there next to the service window, the fella working the register spilling both our milkshakes at the sight of her naked breasts. “S-sorry – I’ll… make new ones,” he stammered. Before long, every horny geek working the night shift made a stop by the window to ogle her. “Do you like showing off your sexy girlfriend’s big tits?” Courtney asked while we waited. She sounded genuinely curious. “Do you like it?” “Mmm, I sure do. All those guys in there, dying of envy, knowing you either just fucked me or are just about to. They wish they were you so hard right now. You’re the luckiest, studliest man they’ve ever met right now, all because of these tits.” I took the napkins the fast food guy had handed me before the spill, and told her to clean herself off. Once she’d sponged off the half-dried remnants, I leaned over and started sucking on her left nipple. She gasped in delight, one hand slapping the ceiling in surprise and anticipation. I don’t know how long the staff sat there watching me suck on her tits, but I took my time about it and they still didn’t look the least bit impatient. Guess I was lucky there wasn’t a woman on duty. I took the milkshakes and thanked him, then drove off. I walked her into her apartment like that, topless and horny out of her mind, right past her neighbors and anyone lucky enough to be driving by. She only smiled and swayed her hips alluringly as she lead me up the stairs. I hadn’t even closed the door to her apartment before she’d stripped off her shorts and started pleading with me to give her the fucking she’d been needing all day. Once I had, she asked me what else she could give me. “No one’s ever fucked my ass before – it’s yours if you want it, I’d be so happy to be your little butt slut babe, Drew,” she murmured between trying to suck me to hardness again. I indulged her in that too. Some time later, as we lay in her bed panting and exhausted, her long leg draped lovingly over me, I finally got back to our discussion. “So… you’re really happy like this? This was… good for you?” She moaned happily. “Oh Drew, this was the best date of my whole entire life. I’ve never felt so happy, so perfectly wonderfully content and good and right, as I do right now. How about you? Did I make you happy too?” “Wait, so let me get this straight. You’re not sure if you wanna keep seeing her?” Stu looked at me like I’d told him I was thinking of giving up breathing. “Look, I’m not buying this shit for a second. I don’t know how you came by the money to be that babe’s sugar daddy, dead relative or whatever, but c’mon. Quit rubbing it in our faces.” said Rich. “What? No, I’m telling you, the girl is obsessed with me. She does whatever I say, and thanks me for the opportunity! It’s insane!” “Yeah right, she just lives to serve her doughy and unremarkable boyfriend’s every whim. Can you believe this shit?” “I know how it sounds, but… that’s pretty much how it is! I’m telling you guys, she’s not quite right.” “Oh yeah? Prove it.” “Yeah, put up or shut up.” I sighed. I should’ve expected they’d want a demonstration. Luckily, that ought to be easy to provide. “Fine.” I picked up my phone. An hour later, Courtney strode into my home. She shed her trench coat and hung it on the hook by the front door, then came to stand before the three of us in the living room. “Holy…” said Rich in shock. “… shit,” finished Stu. “Hey, guys. Drew told me you guys were talking some smack about me. Eh?” She put her hands on her hips. Directly on her hips, that is, with no clothing as a barrier. Beneath the trench coat she was wearing a g-string and a bikini top that was just two triangles and some straps to hold them in place over her nipples. “Hey now, we didn’t…” “Yeah, we weren’t…” “No no – way too late for excuses. If my man’s friends don’t think I’m legit, then I need to do a better job showing it. Right, baby?” “That’s right,” I said. “You guys have fun. I’ll be back in a bit.” “Have… what? Where are you going?” “Out. Courtney, front room rules tonight, understand?” “You got it, baby.” She giggled as I smacked her on the ass on my way out the door. I wasn’t gone long – just around the neighborhood a few times, a half an hour or so. When I came back in, it was about what I expected. I could hear the music from the front steps, something unrecognizable but with a slow, sultry beat. Inside, I was greeted to the sight of my girlfriend straddling the lap of one of my best friends since high school, his face buried deep between her tits. Rich sat nearby, sipping from a can of beer with an unmistakably envious look on his face, from which I gathered his wife wouldn’t have anything to complain about in his comportment. “Drew!” Britthey exclaimed as she heard me enter. She waved with one hand as she continued clasping Stu’s face to her tits with the other. “Heya babe. You been behaving for my friends here?” “Behaving like a little slut,” Rich grumped. Courtney just giggled. “Just like you said. I let Stu take a few liberties with front room rules, but nothing worse than you’d see in a nice club.” “That’s quite all right. Why don’t you head on back to the bedroom and let the boys talk, huh?” “Of course, lover.” She stood up, dragging herself against Stu’s face until he was face-planted in her crotch. She fuzzed his head affectionately as she stepped away and began sauntering away. Still, just to make sure the guys saw how things really were… “Hey babe? How about you show us how a good girl crawls for her man.” Courtney stopped on a dime and sunk down to her hands and knees. She smiled at the three of us over her shoulder as she continued her departure in the manner I’d specified. “So. You see what I mean?” I said once the door was shut. “Dude, I’m still seeing nothing but DD’s,” Stu said, leaning back in his chair as his erection shamelessly jutted out of his pants. “I saw it,” Rich said, “but I’m just not sure if I believe it.” “I know exactly how you mean, buddy. It’s taken me quite a while to get used to it too, and sometimes I still don’t fully believe it.” “You mean… you just texted her, told her to come over and play strip tease for your friends, and she just did it, no questions asked?” “Did it happily. I didn’t even have to ask nicely.” I pulled out my phone and showed them the text exchange. Courtney, dress like a stripper and come over and show the guys what a good and dutiful girlfriend you are. And Courtney’s response: Be there in a few! <3 “Damn. That’s all it took?” “Yep. I mean, am I crazy? What do you guys make of this?” “Those tatas…” Stu mumbled, staring off in the direction of the bedroom. “Brilliant. Rich?” “Well… I mean, you hear about these girls with the big submissive streaks. Hell, my wife and I do role play sometimes, and we’ve done the whole obedient harem girl thing. Once, anyway. Said she’d punch me if I asked for it again. Guess you found yourself the real McCoy, Drew.” “But… you don’t think it’s a little… weird?” “Weird in the sense of being unusual, sure. Weird in the sense that it’d give me a second’s pause in going in there and having that tasty bitch satisfy my every carnal desire… fuck no.” “Hey, she’s still my girlfriend. Watch how you talk about her.” Stu chuckled. “She’s the one who took to calling herself that during her little show earlier.” Somehow that was neither expected nor surprising. “Still.” “Look,” Rich said, putting his arm around my shoulders, “here’s how things are. For whatever reason, by whatever coincidence or fluke or divine intervention, you got this crazy hot girl who asks you out and can’t seem to get enough of you. She’s in that bedroom right now, just waiting for you to come in and let her give you whatever thrill you could want. She doesn’t ask questions or have anything off-limits. No limits, right?” “None I’ve found so far. My sense is that whatever boundaries she has, they’re out there way farther than I’d want to explore.” I thought about the time we’d been talking about our past lovers, and she’d offered to make a sex tape and send copies to them so they could see all the pleasure they’d missed out on, see how much better I could do. (I politely declined.) “Yeah. So… you owe us this, man.” I blinked. “I’m sorry, I owe who what?” “You owe every guy out there who ever imagined having a girl like Courtney at their beck and call, waiting on them hand and foot, serving their every sexual whim,” Rich asserted. “Don’t you see?” said Stu, finally coming out of his titty trance. “Most of us spend our entire lives fantasizing about what you have, day-dreaming and whacking off in our lonely bachelor pads just imagining it. And you’re here whining about how it’s a little uncomfortable? Come on, man. You’re looking at it all wrong.” “Oh? And just how am I supposed to look at it?” “Tell us, Drew. What does Courtney like? What does she enjoy?” I considered. “I don’t really know. She only ever seems to like doing what I want to do, making me happy.” Stu smiled. “Right. So… logically then, if you’re so worried about being a good partner, what do you need to do to make her a happy girlfriend?” “What, you want me to just boss her around and use her like she was some kind of sex slave?” “Well isn’t she?” Hmm. That was a fair point. Only… “What if that’s not what I want?” Rich squeezed my shoulders. “Well how do you know?” Stu nodded. “Yeah, buddy, don’t you think you ought to really try it out before you decide?” When I turned to my best friends for life advice, they were usually right. Today was no exception. “You guys are the best. You’re right. Say, in fact…” I turned my head in the direction of the bedroom and raised my voice. “Hey Courtney!” “Coming babe!” Unbelievably, she crawled back out, smiling sinfully in response to our stunned reactions. She crawled right up to my feet and sat down on her heels, looking up at me with an expression that could only be called servile. “The guys think you’re a pretty good thing, and that maybe I should keep you around. How does that sound?” “I’m very pleased to hear it. I try to be good, except when you want me to be bad.” She winked at the guys, as if the nearly naked girl kneeling at my feet needed any extra effort to achieve sex appeal. “Yep. And as it so happens, I want you to be bad right now. All right?” Her smile widened. “Oh yes, baby. How would you like me to misbehave?” “I think Stu could use a nice long blowjob.” Stu’s eyes bulged as Courtney immediately crawled over to his feet and started undoing his belt buckle. She starts kissing and nuzzling his hard-on through his boxers as she lowered his pants. “Just you wait – I’m such a good little cock-sucker. Drew gets his cock sucked like this all the time – that’s how much I love him. But right now my mouth is all yours. Just relax and let Courtney…” and she trailed off as she took him into her mouth, seemingly unable to restrain herself any more. Rich and I gave them the living room as we went out on the balcony and shot the breeze. We were out there for over an hour; I was impressed with Stu’s stamina until Courtney told me later she’d swallowed his load three separate times. Stu thanked her heartily and headed on home. Rich, after just a moment’s pause, declined taking advantage of the same service she’d given Stu, and stormed out to his own car like he was worried he’d cave in if he didn’t put some distance between them double-time. After, I plopped down on the couch and Courtney lay down with her head in my lap. “Sorry I couldn’t talk Rich into letting me suck his dick,” she said. “You’re… sorry?” “Yeah. You seemed like you were having so much fun showing off your personal cock-sucking machine. I didn’t mean to ruin it. Are you mad at me?” “No, Courtney, I’m not mad at you.” She smiled. “Can I suck your dick now?” “Nah, it’s late.” “Oh. Yeah, you’re right. My bad.” I could see she was disappointed, and after the effort she’d put in tonight, I couldn’t help but take pity on her. “Tell you what – you can wake me up with one. That be OK?” The scorching kiss she delivered promised it would be, and soon, we fell asleep together right there on the couch. If you liked what you read and want to help me produce more of it faster or just toss me a tip, please visit my patreon page ( and become a patron. I love to hear from readers, so also feel free to email me (