Chapter 19 — One Red, One Yellow, One Green _January 19, 2003, Chicago, Illinois_ 🎤 Birgit {br} {psc} "What are you doing in Florida?" I asked Dad when we cuddled on Sunday morning. "It's our annual executive retreat," Dad replied. "All the senior managers get together to work on revising our long-term plan." "I thought you were programming full-time now." "Mostly, but I have responsibility for the NIKA «kami», and I still own more than half the company, so I want to be involved in planning. I leave executing the plans to your Aunt Stephanie, Aunt Elyse, Julia, Cindi, and Liz." "What kind of plans?" I asked. "New services we might offer, expansion of our current business, our competition, and pretty much anything that has to do with our business. We spend a lot of time talking about how things are changing in the technology industry. When I was your age, barely anyone had a computer, there was no Internet, and nobody had a cellular phone." "And your pet dinosaur walked to school with you every day?" I teased. "Since when did you become a young-earth creationist?" Dad asked. "Oh, please!" exclaimed. "I _know_ dinosaurs and people weren't around at the same time! I was teasing you!" "I know, and I turned the tables!" Dad declared. "What's with you and Kevin Fogerty?" "We're just visiting each other's dōjō for now. I'd like him to ask me out, but he thinks his parents would freak out that I'm only fourteen. It's so dumb because there is nothing wrong with a Senior dating a Freshman! I can't wait to go to Sweden, where I'll be treated like a young adult!" "Exactly as you are in our family and with our friends," Dad countered. "But I understand your point. When I was in High School, nobody would have blinked about a Senior dating a Sophomore or a Freshman, and now we have people saying that even Sophomores are too young for Seniors." "How did things get worse? They should be getting better!" I asked. "A combination of a reaction to the 1960s and to AIDS created a perfect environment for the prudes to try to reassert control. Add to that the entire 'think of the children' argument, which works so well on voters, and you end up with the situation we're seeing now, and it's only going to get worse." "That just sucks! Maybe we should move to Sweden?" "I considered that when I was eighteen, but in the end, I chose to come to Chicago to attend IIT, and now our life is here. That said, you're free to make your life wherever you please. I hope you'll be close, but I want you to be happy." He could have made me VERY happy on my birthday, and I almost said so but stopped just in time. As annoying as Ashley could be, she was right about me speaking or acting before thinking. "I know," I sighed. "What are you doing today?" Dad asked. "This morning, just chilling, then our Hangout after lunch, and after that, Tomás and I are hanging out." With Libby, too, but Dad didn't need to know that. "Breakfast is ready," Yuriko announced from the door to the sunroom. "We'll be right there," Dad said. Happily, I got my extra three minutes of cuddles. ————— {br} 🎤 Albert {br} "Do you have a minute, Dad?" I asked after breakfast. "Sure," Dad agreed. "Let's go to my study." I followed him to the study, shut the door behind us, and then sat down next to him in the large leather chairs. "I'm looking into JROTC programs," I said. "The best program in the city is at William Howard Taft High." "Navy, right?" Dad asked with a smirk. "Is that a serious question? *N*JROTC!" "Obviously," Dad chuckled. "Where is Willam Howard Taft High?" "6530 West Bryn Mawr Avenue, which is in Norwood Park. I could get there by the L — Red Line to the Blue Line and then about a mile walk from the station to the school." "That'll be rough in the snow and cold. Do you know what time classes start?" "7:45am," I replied. "OK. Go ahead and put in your application, and let me know what I need to do. We have some time to sort it out, but I think I could drive you to school on cold days, at least until you get your driver's license. I take it you've worked out just how early you'll need to get up and how late you'll get home?" "Compared to Plebe Summer?" I asked. Dad laughed, "Never mind! I assume there are fees?" "Yes. A few hundred dollars plus uniforms and some other costs." "OK. Get all the details, please. Have you spoken to your mom about this?" "No. I thought military stuff was your purview. Should I?" "I don't believe she'll have a problem with it. She's never expressed any concern about you going to the Academy or serving in the Navy. And she's been mellow about your flying. I think you should just let her know that you talked to me about JROTC, which would mean leaving the Lab School for a public High School. Your mom doesn't have any concerns about public schools in general, just about Kenwood Academy." "OK. I'll talk to her tonight. You're going to Florida, right?" "Yes." "Thanks, Dad. I appreciate it." "You're welcome." ————— {br} 🎤 Jesse {br} Our Hangout was at the Compound because Libby was attending Dad's Philosophy Club, so we couldn't meet at her house. We had about twenty people, which meant we needed the great room, and I had cleared that with Dad, though he was flying to Florida for business. Birgit and I were setting up when my mobile phone rang. "Go for Jesse!" "Hi! It's Anna! I have my flight information!" "OK. Let me grab a pen and paper!" I went to the kitchen and got a pen and some scratch paper. "Ready," I said. "I'm flying SAS from Stockholm and my flight arrives in Chicago at 1905 on Friday, February 21st. My return flight is at 1725 on Saturday, March 1st." "Then you'll be here for my birthday on the 22nd," I said. "There's always a family party, and I'm pretty sure my friends are planning something, too." "You'll be seventeen, right?" "Yes. When's your birthday?" "April 18th. Anyway, I don't want to run up my parents' phone bill, so I'll see you in a month!" "I'm looking forward to it!" "Me, too!" We said goodbye, and I closed my phone. I updated the calendar in the kitchen with the days she'd be in Chicago, then went to the main house, put the flight information on the calendar, and marked it with a green star, which meant I needed a car. "What's up?" Birgit asked. "Anna is coming to visit during «sportlov»," I said. "Cool! You do like your tall blondes! And short ones, too! But Larisa might grow more, 'cause she's only fourteen. Speaking of Larisa, are you going to see her this year?" "She and General Dmitry will fly here to see the semi-final and final game." "One more, right?" "In the group stage. We're already guaranteed the semis, which are February 1st. The final is February 2nd. The following weekend are the regionals, and if we win both games, we go to State." "What do you think?" "I think we have to bust our butts and play top hockey. My goal is the citywide championship, and going to State would be a bonus. Did you sort out your situation with Bob and Tomás?" "Status quo," I replied. "I'll see what happens in Saint Martin and figure it out. What are you going to do about Zahra?" "There isn't much I can do." "Well, if you ever wonder why I have zero use for religion, that's a perfect example!" "And you're entitled to our opinion!" I said. "Let's finish setting up. People will start arriving in a few minutes." "OK." ————— {br} [Boca Raton, Florida] 🎤 Steve {br} There were limited flights without people having to stay an extra night, so Stephanie, Liz, and I flew to Florida together. "Good afternoon, Greg," I said when he opened the door at the Spurgeon house. "Good afternoon, Mr. Adams. You're group is the first to arrive. I'll take your bags." "Thank you." "Ms. Brennan has you in the master bedroom, Mr. Adams. She said to let you know she'll be here later. Ms. Adams and Mrs. Crane, Ms. Brennan has you in the rooms on either side of the master bedroom. I'll take your bags to your rooms. Kenton is expecting you in the great room." "Thanks again, Greg." We set our bags down and went to the great room, where Kenton greeted us, asked us our drink preferences, and made them for us. "How the heck did we end up with a temp in the mid-50s?" Stephanie groused. "It's supposed to be in the 70s!" "Don't look at me!" I exclaimed. "Blame the landlord!" "Samantha may have more money than God, but even she can't control the weather!" Liz declared mirthfully. "The forecast said it won't be above 65°F the entire time we're here," I said. "Bathing suits are wasted, and we won't spend nearly as much time outside as we have in past years." In the next hour, Mario, John, Barbara, Zeke, Tasha, Julia, Dave, Cyndi, Elyse, Brenda, and Kimmy arrived. The last to arrive were Bob, Eve, Larry, and Melinda. "Welcome!" Rebekah Brennan called out when she walked into the great room just before 6:00pm. "Dinner is served in the dining room!" Kara's cousin was nearly as beautiful as Kara, and she, like Kara, could have passed for thirty rather than looking thirty-seven. Our meal was served by Samantha's staff, and once we'd eaten, Stephanie stood up. "Welcome, everyone, to our annual Executive Retreat!" she said. "I hope everyone is satisfied with their rooms. If you have any concerns, Rebekah will address them, and, of course, there is staff on-call at any time, day or night. You all have copies of the schedule, so you know our first session tomorrow is our financial review, conducted by Elyse. Following that is an update on employment law by Bob and Liz. "Tomorrow afternoon, we'll have our strategic review, with presentations by Julia, Tasha, Melinda, and Larry. Our final session, on Tuesday morning and early afternoon, is strategic planning. Tomorrow evening, after dinner, you have a choice of a jazz club or a comedy club. Please let Kenton know which you prefer if you haven't already done so. "That's it for now! Enjoy the dessert and the open bar after dinner! I'm sorry about the cool temperatures, though the hot tub is warmed up. Unfortunately for my brother, Samantha's dad didn't see fit to install a sauna when he built this house! For those who want to exercise tomorrow and Tuesday, there are a pair of treadmills, two resistance machines, and free weights in the gym. Have a good evening!" We had a great evening catching up with the people who weren't based in Chicago, and just after 10:00pm, I said 'good night' and headed up to the master bedroom. The bed had been turned down as usual, and there was a pot of lemon tea waiting for me on a tea warmer. On the tray with the tea was a white envelope with my name on it. I opened it and read the enclosed note. {block}{tt} I hope you like the furniture. {br} —Samantha {/tt}{/block} I looked around the room, and to my unpracticed eye to anything beyond Scandinavian Modern, it all looked the same, or similar to me, though the comforter on the bed was black rather than navy blue. I poured myself some tea, then called home to speak to my wives and daughters, then took out my laptop to check my personal email and Usenet. About five minutes later, there was a knock at the door. "Come in!" I called out. The door opened, and a pretty redhead, who looked to be about twenty, stepped into the room. "Hi," she said brightly. "I'm Shirl! Do you need anything to go with your tea?" "No, thank you." "You can reach me anytime by dialing #20 on the phone." "Thanks. Can I ask a question?" "What?" "What changed about the furniture?" Shirl laughed, stepped into the hallway, and came back with a small tray and handed it to me. As soon as I lifted the napkin, I started laughing, realizing exactly what I'd missed — a very subtle but now obvious allusion by Samantha. On the tray were a red, a yellow, and a green cracker. "I'll pass on the green ones," I chuckled. "What's your real name?" "Cheryl, so it's actually pretty close to 'Shirl'." "Your idea? Or Samantha's?" "I had NO clue until she told me about it. I had never seen the movie." "I hope you watched it, given the implications." Cheryl laughed, "I did, and asked Samantha if it was part of the job requirement!" "She'd never make that a requirement nor even ask." "Of course not!" Cheryl agreed. "She simply suggested you'd appreciate the references and that you would be cool with it just being a joke." "She's right." "She thought you'd figure it out as soon as I gave my pseudonym." "I should have, but it didn't click for some reason. Obviously, the crackers in the three _Soylent_ colors made it obvious!" "Well, if, like Detective Thorn, you're interested in the 'furniture', I'm positive you'll find the furniture soft, warm, and comfortable! Samantha said you had a thing for redheads." "Samantha is not wrong!" I chuckled. "College student?" "Freshman pre-med at Florida Atlantic." "Therefore, a serious student," I observed. "And also an Irish Catholic girl away from home for the first time, so not _too_ serious." "Let me guess, all-girls Catholic High School." "Right the first time! And I'm aware of your rule and can provide the necessary credentials if you're interested. If so, I need to grab the portable phone." She was, unsurprisingly, a perfect 'Steve type' girl and fit the rules I'd agreed with Kara, Jessica, and Suzanne. Cheryl's red hair and green eyes sealed the deal. "I'd be happy to have some company," I replied. Cheryl smiled, left the room, and I shut down my computer. She was back in five minutes, with a folded sheet of paper and the portable telephone, and wearing a dress reminiscent of the one Leigh Taylor-Young had worn in _Soylent Green_. "Nice touch," I chuckled. She handed me the paper, which was, as I was sure it would be, a clean STI test. "Samantha suggested you could take me on an unparalleled sexual odyssey," Cheryl said. "For the next two nights, I'd like you to do that!" She smiled and pushed the dress from her shoulders, allowing it to fall to the hardwood floor. I nodded my approval of the naked girl in front of me, with small breasts, a toned stomach, and sporting bright red pubic hair. "Very nice," I said as I began undressing. "Very, very nice!" When I was naked, Cheryl stepped close. "I'm here to please you and be pleased," she said. I pulled her into my arms, and we exchanged a soft French kiss. ————— {br} 🎤 Albert {br} "I talked to dad earlier about enrolling in the NJROTC program at William Howard Taft High. It's the best Navy program in the city. Only Aurora East comes close, but I'd need to live with Aunt Elyse to attend there." "What did Dad say?" Mom asked. "To fill out the application and let him know. The school is on the North Side, so he suggested he'd be able to drive me to school in the mornings until I get my driver's license. I could also take the L when it's warm enough, but there's a one-mile walk at the other end which makes it tough in the cold and with snow." "I have no objections, I know it's what you want to do. Our objections to Kenwood Academy were about the gang activity, not about public schools in general." "That's what Dad said. I'll fill out the application and keep you posted." "Thanks." ————— {br} _January 20, 2003, Chicago, Illinois_ 🎤 Birgit {br} "How are you surviving without cuddle time?" Suzanne teased on Monday morning. "I offered to go with Dad and cuddle him in Florida!" I declared. "Uh-huh. Cuddle." "As far as YOU know!" I giggled. "How is Photography Club going?" "I'm enjoying it. On Wednesday, I'm taking a collage of Christmas pictures, which should generate some interesting questions!" "Everyone there knows about Albert and your sisters, right?" "Yes, and four kids isn't too strange, especially with two different moms. Seven kids with four moms sure is!" "True," Suzanne agreed. "I'm just going to say it's our extended family and hope nobody asks any questions. Bob knows, obviously." "How are things with him?" "He agreed to go to Saint Martin with me, so what do you think?" Suzanne laughed, "I think he's a fifteen-year-old boy, that's what I think! You solved your problem with him?" "After a fashion," I replied. "And the boy who was at the dōjō? Kevin?" "Is hung up on me being fourteen because he thinks his parents will freak out, so we're just visiting each other's dōjō now. I'm hoping he can ask me out after my birthday." "I assume he's going to college?" "Yes. He's going to study economics and business at UofC." "And Tomás?" "Isn't going to do _anything_ to mess up the sexual nirvana in which he finds himself!" I giggled. Suzanne laughed, and a few seconds later, Yuriko let us know breakfast was ready. ————— {br} [Boca Raton, Florida] 🎤 Steve {br} I woke to my alarm at 6:00am after only three hours of sleep and carefully slipped out of bed so as not to disturb Cheryl. I took a quick shower so I didn't smell like sex, put on my running clothes, and headed to the basement gym. I stretched, set the treadmill to a moderate speed, and began my morning run. "Have fun last night?" Elyse smirked as she came into the gym about five minutes later and got onto the second treadmill. "I certainly liked the new furniture." "New furniture?" I chuckled, "You saw _Soylent Green_, right?" "About thirty years ago on TV! What about it?" "The rich, who lived in exclusive secure communities, had concubines who either belonged to them or came with the rented apartment. They were euphemistically called 'furniture'. Samantha decided to have some fun with that reference." "Wait! She made it part of the employment contract?" "As if I'd _ever_ go along with that!" I countered. "Samantha simply suggested it to the red-haired, green-eyed college Freshman who was free to make her own choice. Samantha left me a cryptic note which said she hoped I enjoyed the furniture. I didn't get the subtle reference and didn't see anything different in the room. Cheryl came in and introduced herself as 'Shirl', the name of the girl in _Soylent Green_, and I still didn't get it. Then she offered three crackers — one red, one yellow, and one green." "YOU missed a 'Darmok' reference?! Wow!" "Yeah, yeah," I chuckled. "Anyway, Samantha had prepped Cheryl by saying that if she, that is, Cheryl, wanted, I'd take her on an unparalleled sexual odyssey. She offered, and I accepted." "Red-haired, green-eyed 'Steve type'? As if there was any question! Well, one…" I chuckled, "Hirsute!" "Steve Adams died and went to heaven, of course!" "I did very much enjoy the red pubic hair! You know I'm a sucker for that!" "Obviously! And?" "I don't kiss and tell!" I declared. "I need access to your journals!" "Those are off-limits to everyone! You'll have to wait for the novelization!" "As if THAT could ever be published!" She was right, given the sheer quantity of explicit sex, including the previous night, which had been extremely pleasurable — Cheryl's first time 'around the world', and three more rounds of wonderful sex with her on top, me on top, and once in the 'adulting' position. "Maybe someday," I said. I completed my run, then headed back upstairs for a more thorough shower. Cheryl joined me, and I received a fantastic shower blowjob, after which she kissed me without swallowing. "OK if I come back tonight?" she asked. "Absolutely!" We finished our shower, dried off, and dressed. Cheryl had no classes due to MLK Day, so she headed home to get some sleep, knowing we'd be up until the wee hours of the morning when she returned for her overnight shift. I headed to the kitchen for breakfast, which was not a communal meal and was cooked to order. "Morning," Rebekah said when she came into the kitchen while I was waiting for my bacon and eggs. "Morning." "Did you like the new furniture?" "I'd give it very positive reviews!" I replied. "It's too bad you're married to my cousin!" she declared. "And yes, I know the situation, but it would be too weird." "And that's a good reason not to," I replied. "No steady boyfriend?" "No. I'm dating a retired Marine Lieutenant Colonel who lost his wife to a drunk driver about five years ago, but it's casual." "Did Kara or one of the others tell you about our friend Jorge?" "No." "He was in a car with Jess when they were hit by a drunk driver. Jess barely survived; Jorge didn't." "That sucks. If you have a few minutes, I wanted to check with you about any special arrangements for the house in Saint Martin. I already spoke with Alex Saunders and Ashley to get the details of your diet." "Ashley?" "Kara suggested that Ashley always makes special desserts for you." "She does." "Do you plan to cook, or would you like a chef?" "You know, that would be nice. Just add it to the tab." "Right, because Samantha will let you pay for anything other than jet fuel!" "She will because I'll insist. Just make sure I know the charges so I can negotiate from a position of strength!" "Asking me to betray my boss? There's a high price for that, and you can't pay because you're married to my cousin!" I chuckled, "Samantha will understand, and you know she'd never take any adverse action for something you did for me." "True. Anyway, I'll make sure the house is stocked per the information I gathered and make sure the chef is hired. The wine cellar is fully stocked, and there's an ample supply of good whisky — Tennessee, Irish, Scotch, and Japanese. The housekeeping staff will be available for you to call if you need them, but otherwise, they'll give you privacy." "Thanks. Much appreciated." "Any time! I doubt I'll be in Saint Martin while you're there, but I plan to be in Chicago next month to see Kara." "Cool." ————— {br} [Chicago, Illinois] 🎤 Ashley {br} On Monday, because we didn't have school, Susie, Ellie, Jasmine, Veronica, Chadrima, Amber, and a new girl, Nichelle, all came to the house to hang out and bake cookies. "Your name is the same as the actress who played Uhura, right?" Jasmine asked Nichelle. "Yes. My dad was a HUGE fan of _Star Trek_ and was very happy to see a black woman in a lead role, so he named me after her. Her real name was Grace Dell Nichols, but she didn't like it, so she asked for a new one. They made up 'Nichelle' from 'Nike', the Greek goddess." "So, like my dad's company," I said. "NIKA." "I suppose so," Nichelle agreed. "We were born in the same town — Robbins and my dad went to the same High School she did – Englewood High. And did you know that she thought about leaving the show, but Martin Luther King Junior convinced her to stay?" "I had no idea! And today is the day we honor him." "My dad says Doctor King would insist everyone be in school, not have the day off. Did you know that NASA astronaut Mae Jemison said she became an astronaut because of Uhura?" "That's totally cool!" I declared. "Now, if we could just get some of the cool stuff they had, especially those tablet computers!" "We already have communicators like in the original series," Chadrima said. "Your phone flips open and can speak to anyone!" "How about one of those beam transporters?" Jasmine suggested. "Being able to go anywhere basically instantly?" "I'd settle for limitless energy from antimatter and replicators!" I declared. "Though, like Riker, I'd want to cook for myself because I enjoy it." "Ugh!" Susie declared. "No way! Replicators and no dishes to do! Yes, please!" "Now, if I could just get an android to do my chores!" Amber declared. "One programmed for multiple techniques and a broad variety of pleasuring," I smirked. "Yes, please!" Amber declared. "GROSS!" Susie, Ellie, and Veronica all exclaimed. "Sex with a robot?!" Ellie asked. "Yuck!" "Sex with ANYONE! Yuck!" Veronica declared. "I think you'll change your mind in the next two years," Amber declared. "Did you get your period yet?" "No. And who wants it? Seriously, having to wear pads or whatever? Ugh! And bras? Double ugh!" I was positive she'd change her mind. Veronica and Ellie were the only ones who hadn't got their periods yet. Mine had started just before Christmas, and it was totally no big deal. I just used pads I got from the hall closet and didn't bother to say anything to anyone except Mom so she could schedule a gynecology appointment for me. Nobody else knew because I wasn't moody like Birgit or crabby like Stephie. "It's no big deal," I said. "Ash, are you holding out on us?" Jasmine asked. I shrugged, "It's seriously not a big deal!" "SO typical of you, Ashley!" Chadrima declared. "Does anything faze you?" "Nope!" I declared with a silly smile. ————— {br} 🎤 Birgit {br} "Thanks for coming over," I said to Lilibeth when we sat down in the Indian room to eat lunch because my sister was in the kitchen with her friends. "We're BFFs! You know you can call me anytime. You kind of changed after we were together." "I know, and it's my own dumb fault. I kind of went 'boy crazy'." "I thought you were happy!" Lilibeth replied. "Dad and Katy always told me there was a difference between what you wanted to do and what you should do. I made a real mess of things with Philip and Bob and, to some extent, with Peter. And I almost messed up with Bob and Tomás." "Well, you know MY answer to drama with boys! Avoid doing that with them!" "You've never had any drama with any girls? Or any problems? I mean, besides your parents." "Not really, and my parents just don't know because, for them, it's normal for me to hang out with girls and be close friends with girls. I had two girlfriends before I moved to Chicago, and the second one was the serious one. I still talk to her regularly, and I think we'll get back together when I go to BC after I graduate from High School." "Two and a half years, right?" "Yes. She's my age, and we're going to BC together. You're going to UofC, right?" "Yes, because my mom teaches there, so I have a serious discount on tuition." "Going back to your drama, things must be halfway OK if Bob is going to Saint Martin with you." "I think so, but I'm actually not sure. I'm sure we'll talk while we're there, but I'm concerned that will mess things up with Tomás." "I don't know if anyone has said this, but why don't you find a boyfriend? Philip was nice enough, for a guy, anyway." "I was really dumb," I admitted. "I let my body control my mind and didn't think about what I was doing." "But you don't regret having sex, right?" "No way! Both guys in Sweden were awesome. It was when I came home that I caused my own drama." "You could have just stuck with me!" Lilibeth teased. "I liked it," I said, "but you're missing the one anatomical feature that makes it SO worth it!" "Can I ask you a serious question about that?" "Sure." "How is it different from a tongue?" "I'm not sure how to explain it, and it's not as if you're going to experiment to find out!" "Never!" Lilibeth declared. "As I said!" I replied with a smile. "It feels full, and I like how it massages my insides. You could try a vibrator, but I don't think you're interested in that, either." "It just seems so weird to stick something into your body." "Tongues?" I asked with a smirk. "Is that an offer?" Lilibeth asked with a sly smile. "Maybe. Would you answer?" "Tongues barely go in, and mostly just on the clit, which is what makes us have orgasms. You really like having a dick inside you?" "Yes," I said firmly. "But seriously, everyone is different and likes different stuff. That's why I reject labels — they're used to try to put every single person in a limited set of boxes when there are infinite possibilities." "That's why I like you so much. You don't try to define people; you just let them be who they are. I guess your whole family is like that." "Yes. It's one of the most important precepts of my dad's philosophy. And that's why so many people like him — they can be themselves and not worry that he'll think they're weird or wrong or whatever." "But aren't some things wrong?" "Hurting someone or violating their rights, but otherwise? What business is it of mine if you want to have sex with girls or two guys want to have sex, or someone wants to smoke pot? None of those things hurt anyone else, so long as they're consensual. It's super important to be open-minded and consider all possibilities. And you know I've experimented!" "Successfully!" Lilibeth declared. "With both boys AND girls!" I declared. "And you know my preference." "Obviously, because you make no secret about it! But if you're interested in another experiment…" "Let's finish our lunches, OK?" "OK." ————— {br} [Boca Raton, Florida] 🎤 Steve {br} "Do you have a minute for a private talk," Barbara asked when we'd finished lunch. "Sure," I agreed. We left the dining room, went to the library, and shut the door. "What's up?" "I'd like to work on a transition plan." "How long?" I asked. "Almost three years — the end of 2005." "What's your next adventure?" "My husband and I are negotiating! The kids will be in college, we have more than enough in savings and investments, and I'll sell my shares back to you per the ESOP." "Any hints?" "The leading thought is to open a bed-and-breakfast in Colorado and to run a web design business." "Thanks for giving me plenty of advance warning. I suspected this would happen around the time your kids finished college, but I'm not at all surprised you found a way to do it sooner." "Thanks to you! And you know Tom has been successful as a business consultant, so we're in very good shape." "When do you want to announce this?" "Probably mid-2005. That gives you plenty of time to decide who will fill the spot and then plenty of time to complete the transition before I leave." "Stephanie will have the final say," I replied. "And yet, there is no way she'd fill a C-level or Regional Vice President slot without your full agreement and participation. In the end, as keeper of the NIKA «kami», it has to be your call." "I am open to suggestions when the time comes. When is it OK to tell my sister?" "I'll leave that to you." "OK" "Have you given any thought to what you're going to do?" Barbara asked. "A bit," I replied. "For your ears only." "Of course." "I figure age sixty is about right, or maybe sixty-two so that I have forty years. I'll step back, take a seat on the Board, and begin Act III." "You should have a pile of grandkids by then!" Barbara declared. "I suspect so," I agreed, imagining that future. "I don't know how I can ever thank you enough for your contribution." "Or me for your support and trust." We exchanged a quick, chaste hug, then rejoined the others for the afternoon session. ————— {br} [Chicago, Illinois] 🎤 Jesse {br} "I like the fact we had almost all day to be together!" Simone declared late on Monday afternoon. "I enjoyed it as well! I was surprised when you wanted to play video games after lunch!" Simone laughed, "I figured four times before lunch would tide us over until now, and that let us do something other than screw." "True. And I wasn't objecting, just saying I hadn't expected it." "We have so little time after school, so I have to maximize pleasure!" Simone declared. "Do you think we could use the sauna and whirlpool before I go home?" "Sure, so long as nobody else is using it. Well, unless you mean just for a sauna and whirlpool." "Seven total times should be enough, don't you think?" "Is that a serious question?" I teased, then quickly said, "Yes, of course. Let's rinse off so we don't stink, then go next door. We showered, dressed, and went next door. I saw the sauna controls were on, but there wasn't a sign, so I opened the door slightly to see Birgit And Lilibeth. "Any objection to Simone and me joining you?" I asked. "It's cool with me if it's cool with Lilibeth." "Sure," Lilibeth agreed. Simone and I undressed, grabbed towels, and went into the sauna. We sat on the opposite side of the sauna from Birgit and Lilibeth. "What are you guys doing today?" I asked Birgit. "Avoiding Suzy Homemaker and her friends baking cookies and pies!" I laughed, "Ashley does love to do that! You like to do that at Thanksgiving and Christmas." "Exactly! Twice a year. Miss 'I think, and I know things,' and her friends are baking fanatics!" "If it keeps them out of trouble, I'd say that's a good thing! Maybe the Girl Gang should consider it!" "Hardy-har-har," Birgit retorted, her voice dripping with sarcasm. The door opened, and Natalie stuck her head in. "Can anyone join this party?" "The more the merrier," I said. "Birgit?" "Sure." Natalie and Yuriko came into the sauna and sat down in the middle, between Birgit and Lilibeth and Simone and me. "Are my sisters still in the kitchen?" Birgit asked. "They just finished," Natalie said. "There are enough cookies and pies for an army, but I think each of the girls is taking some home. What are you guys doing?" "Just hanging out," I said. "Well, Simone with me and Lilibeth with Birgit. We just happened to come to the sauna about the same time." We sat mostly quietly for about twenty minutes, and when the other four left, I adjusted the controls on the sauna and filled the whirlpool with water. Simone and I got in, with her sitting between my legs and reclining back. Once we were settled, I turned on the water jets. "Are you worried about the gangs at school?" Simone asked. "Not really. I know the basketball team is basically all gang members, but they've never ever bothered the hockey team. Why?" "The Vice Lords and Gangster Disciples are pressuring black girls on the soccer team and softball team to affiliate, and the Latin Kings are trying to make inroads into the school with the Hispanic girls." "Wonderful," I replied. "Are they after you?" "I was invited to a party, but I said my parents wouldn't let me go. I'm sure they'll try again. They invited Ebele, but she's not allowed to go to parties or dates. I know a chick from the girls' basketball team talked to Luna, but Luna told her to get lost." "She's graduating in June and going to Arizona State," I said. "But this sucks big time. I knew the gangs were dealing drugs, but they mostly stayed away from athletes except the basketball team. I'm going talk to the hockey team and find out if anyone is trying to pressure them." "Basically, every white guy in the school is either on the hockey team or the baseball team," Simone observed. "And most of the white girls are either on the soccer team or are cheerleaders. There are no white gangs at the school." "The Mafia and the Irish gangs were all pretty much wiped out by each other or the FBI," I observed. "There used to be 'Greaser' gangs in Humbolt Park, but they mostly lost all their power to the Latino and African-American gangs. And we've never really had any Asian gangs here. Have you said anything to anyone in the administration at school?" "No way! If anyone ever found out, I'd be called a snitch, and you know what they do to snitches." "You're right. I'll talk to some of the guys privately tomorrow at school and find out if they've been targeted or know anyone who has." If that happened, it was going to create huge problems for the team, and that was the last thing I needed with only sixteen months to go in High School. I'd managed to avoid any real trouble at school and wanted to keep it that way until I graduated. Simone and I sat in the whirlpool for about fifteen minutes, then got out of the tub. We put on robes, and to avoid any problems like the ones I'd had with Ebele, we showered and dressed in the main house before we went back to the coach house.