今日は楽しい授業参観の日です ────────────── 「ん…っ!ああぁっ❤はぁーッ……っ!ふか、あ゛ぁ❤ッふかいィッ❤」 「はぁっあんっ!イクッ❤またイキます…ッ❤」 「よい鳴き声でしょう?お父様が大切に育て上げてくださったおかげで娘さんの発育も大変よろしく、御主人様もこのように満足しております。」 「お辛いかもしれませんが今だけですよ。これで彼女は将来を約束されたも同然です。もちろんお父様がお作りになられた借金も御主人様が全て返済致しました」 「…奥さんを亡くされてから男手一つで子育てして経済的にも逼迫していた状況、お察しします。お辛かったでしょう?でももう安心してください、私たちが今後の人生を全力でサポートして差し上げますから」 「おぢんぽ気持ちいィ❤おほっぉっ❤イグゥゥ❤」 「ひとまず、娘さんのイヤラシイ声を聴いて硬くなってしまった股間の処理からしてさしあげますね?では別室へご案内いたします…」 ●登場人物 父親…若くして妻を亡くす。残された娘を必死に育て上げたがとある事情により多額の借金を背負ってしまった。 娘…幼い頃に母親を亡くす。父とともに頑張って生きてきた。今では立派な黒人専用オナホになっている。 ────────────── Nn...!" Aaahh❤hahh......! Oh, God, it's so soft! Ahhhhh! I'm cumming again... Isn't that a nice sound? Thanks to your father's careful upbringing, your daughter's development has been very good, and Master is very pleased with her. It may be painful, but it's only for now. Now she is as good as guaranteed a future. Of course, the Master has repaid all the debts her father made. I can imagine how difficult it must have been for you to raise your child by yourself after the death of your wife. I know how hard it must have been for you. But don't worry now, we will do our best to support you in your future life. Jing-po feels so good ❤ohohohohohoho ❤igooooo ❤" I'm going to start by taking care of your daughter's hardened crotch after listening to her sarcastic voice, okay? I'll show you to another room..." ●Characters Father...lost his wife at a young age. He desperately tried to raise his remaining daughter, but due to certain circumstances, he was saddled with a large amount of debt. The daughter...lost her mother when she was young. She has worked hard to survive with her father. She is now a respectable black masturbator. ───────────── Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ──────────────