“You’re gonna need to take this with you from now on”, Chloe somberly stated, handing a gun to her crying friend.

“No!! I’m not carrying a gun around with me! That’s insane!!” Rose cried into her palms, still shaken from the encounter she had just had.

“Guys are gonna keep harassing you, and you’re lucky you haven’t been hurt yet!

If that guy had started bothering you two minutes earlier you wouldn't have been by the hou-”

“Ok, I get it!!!” Rose interrupted her friend, “I’m too small to defend myself!!”

“And you’re too pretty to walk around like you’re perfectly safe, sweetie…” Chloe stroked her friend's hair, trying to calm Rose’s crying.

“I just wanna be strong!! You’re like twice my height, you could at least defend yourself!!” Rose said, making her friend blush.

“What am I supposed to- O wait! My mom used to be a physical trainer, I remember she had some weird powder she used to take before she worked out. I think she said it actually made her taller or something” Chloe said off as she raced for the bathroom.

She came back with a large, full jar of white powder. “Looks like my mom restocked recently!”

Chloe took the large spoon and dumped the contents of it into a glass of water, mixing it before giving it to her sad friend.

“That seemed like a lot, you’re sure this stuff’s not steroids or something?” Rose asked, pausing before taking a big gulp of the drink.

“No way! I think you have to inject steroids or whatever, and look how big this jar is!!

You gotta be taking at least that much, its like maybe a tablespoon or two…” Chloe said, scanning the directions and ingredients on the back of the jar while her friend finished the large glass.

“Whoa… is it hot in here? I’m starting to sweat, and I think my clothes are getting tighter…

Either way…” Rose trailed off, trying to quickly slip her sweaty body out of the tightening outfit.

“No, you’re getting bigger!” Chloe exclaimed joyfully, her eyes glued to her changing friend.

“Oh my god…” Rose whimpered, sensually stroking her body in the mini swimsuit she planned on swimming in later.

“I hope my boobs don’t get too big for this top, I knew I should’ve worn the one with bigger cups today!”

Chloe couldn’t tear her eyes away; she wanted to read the info on the jar, but didn’t want to miss a second of this.

“I feel so much stronger”, Rose said confidently, “I could beat any guy up!!

And my stomach is so flat too…”

Chloe was astonished by the new attitude, but happy for her friend.

“Whoa… I’m kinda getting a six pack now- Oooo…

My body’s burning!! I feel my vagina tightening all the way up inside me!!” Rose keeled over in aroused shock, she had never felt such a strange feeling before.

“Alright... It stopped, I think I’m okay now.” Rose got up and posed in the mirror.

“I’m even more muscular than before!!

And taller too!! I think I’m taller than you Chloe!” Rose gave Chloe a patronizing look as she flexed her new muscles.

“Wait…” Rose speedread the jar’s directions and warnings, “Do not consume more than five mg at a time…

Huh... Each mg over could have dramatic effects…

What’s an mg?” Chloe asked out loud, googling the amount compared to a tablespoon.

“FUCK!!!” Chloe ran up to her larger friend, “You have to vomit quick!! I don't know what’s gonna happen to you, but you took way too much of that powder!!!”

“Why? You said it was barely a teaspoon…

Are you jealous of me?” Rose asked mockingly, “It does feel pretty awesome to be the strongest in the room…” She said, looking around for the jar of powder.

“Well, I said tablespoons, and I may have fibbed about the amount a bit…” Chloe said guiltily, trying to remember just how much powder she had poured into that drink.

“I’ll help you- Wait!!” Chloe reached out her hand, trying to grab Rose as she darted for the large jar.

“You’re not in your right mind!” Chloe yelled, “You’re probably overdosing on the stuff right now!! I’m sorry!!!”

“Ha! I feel amazing!!

You don’t think I’m gonna have more of this stuff?!” Rose asked sarcastically as she buried her hands in the jar.

“Noooo!!!” Chloe cried as Rose stuffed her face with the dry powder.

“Quit your bitching!!

O my boobies!” Rose exclaimed, surprised by the sudden inflation in her chest.

Without hesitation, she grabbed Chloe’s larger bra and ripped it off her chest.

“Not so tough when I’m not tiny, are ya??” Rose laughed as she posed her new body in the mirror.

”You’re crazy!!! You don’t know that too much of that stuff won’t make you super fat or something!! And what now?? You’re so strong already, and I’m pretty sure the effects of that stuff grow exponentially…”

Rose couldn’t be bothered with all these dumb questions, her body pulsated blissfully as her muscles grew more dense and large.

“You were trying to keep this from me? You’re such a bitch! I can’t believe you let jealousy overrun our friendship, how could you not want this for me?” Rose asked her dumbstruck friend, posing the intensifying muscles that now covered her legs.

“I have a six pack and everything! No guys will want to mess with me!!” Rose said triumphantly.

“I don’t think they’ll want to…” Chloe mumbled under her breath, angry at the assertions being made about her.

“I can’t believe you’re doing…” Chloe trailed off as Rose grew even more, every inch of her curves bulging with defined muscles. Even her breasts were beginning to become consumed by the growing mass.

You’ve got to have some of this powder, it’s amazing!!”

Chloe started backing away, scared of what could come of Rose with every new transformation.

“I’m not having any of that stuff! My mom must’ve been taking half milligrams, cuz she never looked anything close to you!!” Chloe cried as she made her way to the door.

“Oh no you don’t!!” Rose said, now able to move with super speed due to her new muscles.

“Ahhh!!! You look hideous!!!” Chloe screeched in horror.

“You’re just jealous”, Rose said, beaming with pride as she flexed.

“Let me go!! I don’t wanna be here anymore, you’re crazy!!!” Chloe said, trying to get around the lightning quick bodybuilder.

“Let you go?? But you’ve been a naughty girl, insulting momma and calling her names.

Don’t you think you deserve… to be punished?”

“So you’re all horny now? I can’t belie-” Chloe was cut off by Roses tongue jamming down her throat.

“What the fuck??” Chloe asked astonished, “Why are you kissing me?? And where’d you get a strap-on???”

Rose grinned, “What strap on?” She put her hand on Chloe’s shoulder, and bent her over without exerting much effort.

Chloe could only look back wide eyed, held down by a strength she had never encountered. She saw a shaft, with a head and throbbing veins. A ballsack hung below Rose’s cock, both the same color as the powder she had guzzled down.

What looked like precum began to drip from the head, and Rose had a far off look in her eye.

Chloe begged from below, but could only moan as the ten inch, girthy cock penetrated her waiting folds. She had to admit herself that she was pretty turned on, and was enjoying the way Rose was fucking her.

Chloe could feel the weird member begin to grow inside her, becoming longer and larger in diameter.

“Ahh!! Shit!!

That’s too much!!!!

Stop!!!!! Please!!” Chloe begged, trying to escape from Rose’s clutches.

“Too much??? You can’t be serious…” Rose said calmly, reaching for Chloe’s other shoulder as she spoke.

“You don’t tell me when to stop!!!” Rose yelled, intensifying her pace as she screamed.

“You don’t like it? Stop being such a little bitch!” She said, smacking Chloe’s ass for extra emphasis.

“Maybe we could help you out with that…” Rose trailed off, eyeing the still almost full jar of Bimbo Powder™️ on the table.