-jogging Rarity - mini story by Colonist! You: *huff* *huff* Unbelievable! *You’re not even at the halfway mark of the one and half miles mark, and you’re already doubling up and out of breath.* Rarity: Already, darling? And we did the proper warming up techniques too! You: What!? I thought those warming up techniques were the workout! *One week ago.* *The spark to starting work out began during one of your usual gaming sessions in the preceding weekend. You were racking up a surprisingly good K/D ratio given your impromptu decision to roll with a different class this time around: the shotgun and grenade class - one that was a good toe dip into more strategic play which wasn’t quite as tactical as a sniper class, but one that wasn’t your usual run and gun assault rifle class. The usual players in the lobby who were familiar with your MCTehMainGuy moniker echoed various forms of praise along with the standard ribbing and banter that came with competitive FPS play. One semi-familiar one, however, was less than thrilled.* ??? (username: CozyFterGlow69): What the fuck! Freakin’ camper! You (username: MCTehMainGuy): Hey calm, down! And “camper?” That’s ironic coming from a dedicated sniper class. CozyFterGlow69: You’re hacking! There’s no way you beat me to all those locations without prior insider knowledge! *Damn. You’ve had your share of angry squeakers, but this one was something else. Your K/D just finished at 26/3 respectively, and you can only recall this “CozyFterGlow69” making up only…maybe eight of those kills? As you let the barbs from said player roll off your back with each of those kills, you found yourself listening more carefully to the voice across the crackling microphone. It didn’t sound like a typical barely coherent angry teenager, no. This one was dishing out an almost adult level of personal vitriolic dialogue…if it came from someone who you swore was a little girl on the other side of the microphone.* CozyFterGlow69: Damn you and your pig-headed mother, MC main douche! I bet that’s where you get all your body fat! Fuck you, you obese lard-assed gamer bro! Yeah, that’s right! That’s the only way that someone like you can ever be this “good” at this sort of loser FPS - if you spent ever waking minute of your pathetic, inactive life committed to it! You better hope you never meet me in real life ‘cause I’ll kick your ass! I’ll get you where it’d really matter! Hmph! Poopy head! *CozyFterGlow69 has left the lobby.* Timber (username: TimberzGotWood): Wow. I don’t know what was more entertaining - the game or the squeaker! Flash (username: FlashDaLayDs): Yeah, you’d swear that those words added an extra ten pounds to you, MC! Heh heh. You (username: MCTehMainGuy): …oh. *MCTecMainGuy has left the lobby.* *You step back from the screen and look down at yourself. You weren’t really hurt, per se, but the gears in your head started to turn as you considering your general fitness. Hmm, you couldn’t remember the last time you thought about that…* *Present Day.* Rarity: Please tell me you’re joking. You: *huff* Unfortunately it doesn’t look like I am! *You were always a skinny, scrawny dude. Thank goodness for the blessing of a high metabolism, right? You’d be able to eat almost anything, and your weight would remain as static as it did before with not even a single pound gained from “water weight.” You’ve learned to keep said blessing to yourself after the last punch from Sunset. Man, that girl still had an envious streak from her earlier days, didn’t she?* Rarity: I suppose I should’ve consulted with AJ and Rainbow a little more, huh? *Indeed. After that last gaming session, you found yourself barely able to complete five sit-ups. Your push-ups numbered ten with incredibly poor form, and well, this is the result of your one and a half mile run. High as your metabolism was, the rest of your body wasn’t exactly in regular workout and fitness mode. Your sudden self-consciousness pushed you to ask Rainbow to act as your personal trainer for today, but she was away on a sports-related school competition. Applejack would’ve been your second choice, but she had extra farm chores to catch up on; way to rub it in! Fluttershy wasn’t a heavy aerobic exercise type of person and definitely not the blood-pumping motivator to serve as a trainer. Sunset…forget her, she’ll just punch you if you say anything or move the wrong way! Sci-Twi was relatively fit with her own jogging routine every other day. Rarity was the only one available, and to your surprise, was highly recommended by Applejack and Rainbow as a sound substitute trainer. How? Wouldn’t the fashionista be afraid of breaking a nail or something? Oh well. She knew her calisthenics (the ones that wore you out earlier), and the typical athleisure that she wore to your workout was definitely easy on the eyes.* You: I know you like your figure and appearance, but you never struck me as a fitness type of person. *Rarity de ftly dances around you to keep up her pace. She’s even found a way to insert her own graceful style into the workout movements!* Rarity: But of course! “Jogging to stay fit will make the clothes fit,” that’s what I say! You: But I’m not fat! Rarity: Hmm, yes, I know. The sentiment remains though. You: I get the feeling that you’re trying to give me motivational talk, but damn, at least be more direct with it! I still feel like you just called me fat…am not…fat…what’sshetalkingabout… *You mutter under your breath as you catch up on it as at the same time. Looking up, you’re relieved to see that Rarity didn’t hear you and is now looking off into the distance and thinking to herself. You get yourself back up and are ready for more instructions when Rarity turns back to you.* Rarity: Ooh, idea! Nice to see you’ve had your break. I was thinking that what made you start caring about your fitness was…a motivator of some kind? You: …you could say that. Rarity: I won’t ask. My point, darling, is that perhaps…you need another motivator to help you finish our workout at the finish line? You: A nice juicy burger and some salted fresh cut fries for lunch? Rarity: Nonsense! Anyway, since it doesn’t look like anyone else is jogging on this stretch… *Rarity lifts her shirt off, exposing her sports tank top, and throws the shirt at you to catch.* Rarity: Freebie. Try and keep up if you want more complimentary pieces of my athleisure line! *Rarity bounds away, and you run with a renewed motivation to keep up. Oh boy, do you want more of that athleisure line in your hands, all right, if only to see more of what’s underneath! She stops a short ways down the parallel fencing and turns back to see you catch up.* Rarity: I better let you hold on to these before I sweat through them. ~ Come get me, big boy! *Her leggings and shorts fall in front of you, and you scoop them up in your arms before resuming your chase. Is she purposely removing items to free up her movement while teasing you simultaneously? No matter. It’s working! The aches in your muscles disappear when you watch her ass as she runs. One arbitrary fence post later, she stops and jogs in place again.* Rarity: Oh? Maybe you want more than my sweat as motivation? *Rarity peels off her panties and throws them in your face before taking off. You’re back at the run again but not for long. You’re at the end corner of the parallel fencing - the unofficial marking of the one and a half mile mark of what should’ve been a steady run. Rarity turns back to you, standing bottomless, yet looking happy that you managed to sort of complete the run from zero.* Rarity: Good boy! I suppose I owe you the whole clothing line as a reward! *Rarity lifts her final piece, the sports top, over her head. You take it from her hands as she concludes your introductory workup with one of her signature seductive poses.* Rarity: Why, with a body like mine, wouldn’t you be motivated to make working out a part of your regular routine. You: Oh, hell yes - Rarity: Eeek! *A water balloon flies out of nowhere and blindsides the fashionista across her chest. You turn to see a little girl on a tricycle attempting to ready another one but drops it instead.* ???: Well golly gosh darn it, I was aiming at the fat one. You and Rarity: Who!? ???: Cozy, bitch! Come and get me, freaking camper! Let’s finish this! You’ll really feel the burn! You: CozyFterGlow69!? *The squeaker now known as Cozy Glow pedals away, cackling maniacally as you and Rarity struggle to keep up with her.* Rarity: Darling, why are we chasing her? Throw me my clothes! You: Long story! And not until we catch her! Rarity: But my breasts hurt from all the bouncing! Curse you, my otherwise lovely and fluffy darlings! *You’re thankful that no one else is in the vicinity to bear witness to what looks like something from of fiction. However this chase ends, you find yourself hoping that Rarity continues to be your official “workout buddy.” Heck, you notice that you’re running another half mile already, and you’re not struggling as much! Unfortunately, the other leg between your legs begins to register the situation around you, and you soon find yourself feeling what Rarity must be feeling with her flopping tits. Perhaps a “third leg workout” is in order for the future? Possibly…*