“Good morning sweetie, here’s your coffee”

“Thanks dear, have a nice day at work!”

“I will, any leads on that job search?”

“Still looking Rebecca, you know you’ll be the first one to find out when I get any leads”

Rebecca kissed her husband on the cheek, before leaving to work for the day.

“That’s nice of her… Mmmm… That’s some good coffee!” Caleb spent the rest of his morning playing video games, the same thing he’d been doing all day for the past few months.

“I’ve never drank a coffee so fast!” The large mug Rebecca had given him was now half full, and Caleb felt light headed. “Wow, it’s powerful too, hope I don’t stay up all night…” *giggle*

Caleb quickly covered his smiling mouth, frightened by the girly sound that had just come out of it.

“What was that? Why is my voice getting raspier? Harder to… talk… deep…

What’s happening? Oh no, My voice is… feminine!!”

Caleb turned on the streaming cam, and was shocked to say the least.

He couldn’t stop smiling. The longer he stared into the monitor, the sexier he felt. Caleb was becoming more comfortable with each passing second, and soon the smile wasn’t forced. The computer was quickly turned off, and Caleb started searching through his girlfriend's wardrobe for clothes to try on.

He spent all day changing between outfits, occasionally stopping to pleasure himself. He had already tried on all the lingerie and bikinis, picking out a cute outfit to wear for the rest of the day by the time Rebecca walked into the apartment.

“Looks like someone enjoyed the coffee”

Caleb turned around, feeling like a model as he made eye contact with Rebecca.

“You think I enjoyed it?

I know what that look means, Rebbeca.

Did you do this? How did you?

Are you bi?””

“Ha! You’re funny, Caleb. Do you really want the answers to any of those questions?

I have some more coffee right here; you’re not gonna drink it til I explain myself?”

Caleb jumped at the coffee, quickly pouring the hot liquid down his throat before Rebbeca could even react.

“What was that? I didn’t mean to do that…”

Caleb started panting as he felt the liquid make its way through his body, each pant becoming sexier as his voice became more luscious and feminine. He quickly stopped worrying as the coffee affected his brain some more, and was soon dancing in euphoric bliss while his body became more curvy. His movements were more sensual now, each one accented by the jiggling and bouncing of an inflating bosom. Caleb’s shirt quickly came off as he exposed his nipples to the apartment AC, making them quickly perk up and harden.

Rebecca laughed, watching Caleb enjoy his new body.

“You wanna see how I did this?

Follow me to the kitchen”

Caleb didn’t even think about it, his body sexily strutted alongside Rebecca. In the kitchen, Rebecca opened the fridge and brought out a normal looking carton of milk.

“We’re making more coffee?”

“That’s right! I already set up a brew, here you go” Rebbeca placed the milk on the counter, picking up the pot of ready coffee and pouring some into Caleb’s waiting cup.

“Now here’s what changed your body and mind”, Rebbeca held up the carton of milk, “how creamy would you like your coffee?”

“I don’t wanna taste coffee…”

Rebbeca brought the carton to Caleb, but passed over his cup.

“Uhhh, Rebecca? What are you- ahhhh!!!!”

Rebbeca laughed as she poured cold milk into Caleb’s cleavage, giggling as it splashed and ran down Caleb’s smooth belly.

“Drinking the milk will change your voice, but the real power comes from skin contact. You should already feel that stuff absorbing now… “

At the mention, Caleb felt sticky and noticed the milk was no longer dripping. It was absorbing into his skin, and he could feel himself filling with arousal. Rebbeca had been waiting all day for this, and quickly brought Caleb over to the couch.

The milk was making its way through Caleb’s body, turning him on and preoccupying his brain as Rebecca slipped the silent beauty out of his panties.

Silent gasps and whimpers came from Caleb as Rebbeca worked his womanhood, only pausing to bring her tongue in when there was any sign of Caleb cumming.

“Now that my breast milk is really working on your body, I have complete control over you. The more I make you orgasm, the more lust driven you’ll be after this, permanently.”

Suddenly Caleb snapped back to reality, “Permanently?? No!” Caleb reached down to try blocking Rebecca with his hands, but it was a feeble attempt to prevent something he was about to allow.

She simply continued on, and curled her fingers after penetrating Caleb.

“Stop please! I’m gonna be this horny forever?!”

“O no deary, you’ll be much hornier than this…” Rebecca intensified her fingering, and soon Caleb was squealing in ecstasy, unable to talk. The milk was now working its real magic, and causing Caleb’s body to inflate and become hourglass shaped. His exaggerated hips expanded as his stomach cinched in, and he could feel his inflating ass press harder and harder into the couch below him.

“Please Rebecca have mercy!”

“Mercy? Like you had mercy on that unemployment officer? That’s right! I saw the texts, Caleb! I know what I’ve been up to!”

“O shit!”

“O shit‘s right! You’ve been fucking her weekly, and she’s been keeping you on unemployment even though you haven’t been to a job interview for the past six months. Well if you’re not gonna actually make an effort to help out with the rent, then I’m gonna have to force you to…


“Celia? That’s not my… Fuck…” Celia couldn’t remember her old name, and was starting to understand the complete control Rebbeca had referenced earlier.

Rebbeca stood up and looked Celia over, “The milk has a natural plumping effect, but the real changes have to come from me…

Get up.”

Celia got off the couch, and drifted into Rebbeca’s arms. The two girls moaned as Rebbeca caressed Celia’s body, molding it into her dream shape.

She began with the boobs, and didn’t plan on stopping til they were too big to play with.

Celia had no power to stop her, and simply moaned as she felt her breasts expand in Rebecca’s hands.

“You’ll be my little slut, Celia”, Rebecca whispered into her ear, “I’m gonna sell your body to the highest bidder daily.”

Caleb heard this and tried breaking free of Rebecca's grasp, but Celia overpowered him and ground her ass into Rebecca’s crotch. Rebecca had been humping and molding Celia’s ass with her crotch, and as Celia dug in, it accelerated and intensified the process.

“You’re coming along nicely…

I can’t even imagine what guys do to these boobies!”

“No… you can’t…”

“How many guys would you say ask for a titjob?

More than half? Three, four a day?”

“Ahhh!!!!” Celia cried out as her memory changed, and she could now imagine the feeling of a large penis being stroked by her cleavage.

“Rebbeca, you have to stop this, I-” Celia was interrupted by Rebecca’s lips, and all of Caleb’s thoughts stopped as Rebecca played with his tongue. The arousal was too much, and silenced Caleb as Rebecca tickled his clitoris.

She pulled back and looked the shocked Celia in the eye, “You’re gonna be a brainless bimbo from now on, and I’m gonna be your pimp. I need you to be sleeping with at least five guys daily, which I’m sure would be overwhelming for a virgin…”

Rebbeca dug deeper into Celia, and began whispering into her ear and taking occasional licks. “I’m sure you enjoy giving titjobs”, *lick* “but I know how much you’re always telling me you enjoy anal.”

Celia gasped as her memories changed more, and she could remember begging for anal from every guy she met. She loved it so much!

“Don’t worry Celia, you’re even more into vaginal sex! You love it! You’re always talking about it, and we always discuss different positions and cock experience.”

This was too much for Celia, she fell on the ground in a heap of arousal. Rebecca followed her, and groped the whimpering goddess some more as the last effects of the milk became permanent.

She caressed and kissed Celia’s body, squeezing and pulling on her nipples as hard as she could. Then she released, and like a rubber band, the breast tissue retracted before inflating back out and remaining large GG cup boobs.

Rebecca finally released Celia‘s lips with a pop; her lips now plump, looking as sexy as the rest of her body. Her long eyelashes folded slightly as she blinked her heavily made up eyes, a glazed look in them while she stared down her girlfriend’s cleavage.

The couple bounced into the bedroom, and Rebecca stretched her lingerie from a petite size to one large enough to fit Celia’s curves.

She felt sexy and ready to fuck as she made her way out the door into a new life, a productive member of society with cock on her mind.

Celia loved her pimp Rebecca, and didn’t mind giving her all the money she made. Her body could barely keep composure around any cock, and getting fucked was reward enough for Celia. She had trouble sleeping with less than six guys a day, and sometimes had to give out free sessions just to curb her sexual appetite.

You would think Rebecca minded all this, but it almost made her orgasm when Celia came home with no money. It meant she had been having an especially horny day….