“Hey let me lick that whisker when you’re done, please?” Tom asked his friend George.

“Dude I’m not letting you touch this, it’s the best part of making cookies! I’m taking it all. If you wanted dough, you should’ve made your own cookies…”

“Hey George, did I tell you how I found a book the other day? It has all types of cool spells and tricks.”

“That sounds crazy bro, you need to visit a psych ward or something.”

“Well look down, you’ll see what changes I’ve made to your life.”

“Life? What are you talking about– Holy shit! Is that my chest??? And why do I feel so round???

My mouth!! I can’t stop eating…”

George kept scraping the pot and eating while liquid gushed out of this pussy. “Please stop this!!” George begged, already having finished the leftover batter and beginning to scoop up the batter from the pan with his bare hands.  He finished that, and started in on the rest of the food in the house.

“Alright you convinced me! I'll change you.

I don’t want you to finish all our food; Jesus…” Suddenly all the fat in George’s body rushed into his breasts, then he yelped as his butt stuck out behind him and continued inflating.

“Please stop, Tom…” George couldn’t get a serious tone out of his mouth, seductively shaking his breasts for Tom as he giggled flirtatiously.

“I’m not kidding! Even though I sound like I am.

I deeeefinitely wanna stop being so busty and curvy!” George’s sexy and sarcastic tone continued, “I just can’t be a MILF anymore! It’s too much arousal coursing through me!”

“Well that convinced me!” Tom paused, smiling as George’s body accelerated on its way into an exaggerated hourglass figure.

A mini pencil skirt wrapped around George’s thinning waist and a giant bra squeezed his ballooning tits together, creating massive cleavage on his chest. He struggled to undress himself as garters came out from under his skirt, and began rolling tights down his thick legs into high heels. As soon as the silk shirt tied around his torso, George ripped it off.

Angry and in control of his body, he began yelling at Tom who listened calmly, nodding in mock agreement with everything the Milfy Bimbo yelled at him.

Then he said, “Well... fuck me”, and a new look took over George’s eye. He began stripping faster than Tom had seen anyone else strip, and with bigger boobs too.  

George pushed Tom onto the bed as soon as he was naked, and began wrapping his tits around Tom’s cock.

Tom sat smiling while George continued titty fucking him and begging to be changed back. “Yeah I don’t think so, you're coming along for this ride... Now let’s get revenge on some losers and bullies.” George winced while Tom shot off into his face, and made him go clean up in the bathroom.

After they cleaned up, Tom dressed George in a skin tight latex dress, offering him another skirt to put on top of the tight fitting outfit.

George pulled the skirt up his legs, grimacing as he moaned from the sensual feeling of the silk on latex rubbing on his body. Meanwhile, Tom was busy increasing the mass of George’s butt and thighs. By the time George reached his ass, he could now feel pounds of fat jiggling over the waistline of his skirt. He must have a real bubble butt.

But he was now under his body's control, and merely a passenger. They got in Tom’s car and drove to his ex-girlfriend‘s house where she greeted him at the door. She had always thought of herself as better than Tom especially cause she was older than him, so the first thing Tom said when she opened the door was “You old bitch” and she, like George became an older woman. Her curves were already filled out, so simply matured a bit. She looked angry but began stripping, and showing off her new mature nipples.

Tom paused and carefully examined the new Cheryl, she still couldn’t say anything and looked like she wanted to scream.

“I‘ll let you speak, but you gotta be nice!” Tom warned, half jokingly.

“You asshole!! What the fuck is wrong with you??? Get me dressed now!” Cheryl was now letting her hair down seductively, but still looked really angry while gyrating her hips.

“I said you have to be nice!”

A bright flash, and suddenly the three of them were outside.

Cheryl yelped, feeling much smaller and weaker before Tom’s magic took over her mind.

“I feel so horn; it’s coming up my torso!


Cheryl massaged her chest, relishing in the intense arousal coursing through her.

“It’s, like… coming out of my mouth! This is amazing! Even my mouth is like, orgasming!!”

Tom and George could only stare as the teen danced happily and sucked on her nipples.

She giggled and skipped over to Tom, giving him a hug and kissing him as the two disappeared from in front of George in a burst of light. Tom opened his eyes and saw he was now inside, and Cheryl was even younger!

“Oh no, I think this magic stuff is starting to get out of contro-Whoa!! What the?!?”

Cheryl had pulled down Tom’s pants when he wasn’t looking, and began pumping his cock before he could react.

“You have to sto- Why does it feel so…

Oh!” Every pump was bringing Tom to new orgasm and making him shoot a little more cum.

“We gotta go!” Tom pulled his pants over his tingling dick, grabbing George as he ran out the door with Cheryl following close behind.

Tom’s vision glitched, and he was suddenly knocking on his parents door.

“Hi deary! Where have you been all day?” Tom’s mom was already getting younger and hotter, her always large boobs perked up as the rest of her body shrunk.

“No mom! Not you too!! I have to turn this off somehow!!” Tom tried turning around and running home to get his book, but his mom stopped him, “O please stay Tommy! I’m sure there’s some important stuff we have to discuss!” Tom knew what was happening, Tommy was what his mom called his dad, Tom Senior, when she was acting affectionate toward him.

He tried running away, but the two girls Tom had brought with him pulled him inside to spend some time with mommy.

“Tommyyyyy… Do these jiggle enough for you??” Tom tried to ignore his mom’s exposed breasts bouncing, but once he heard her ask the question his magic reflexively reacted.

“Oh my god!! My boobs are like, growing to twice the size now!!”

“Noo!! I have to go!!”

“But Tommy!! Mommy’s ass is bigger too! Check it out!”

Tom was not turning around though, and opened the door to see his dad standing, about to open it.

“Well thanks son! Finally someone in this house with some proper manners!”

Tom couldn’t stop watching his dad talk, his entire body was shrinking down and his glasses grew thick frames and squared off.

He went from a towering six foot four, to a petite five feet tall. Most of his former mass must’ve became implants though, cuz Tom could now see clearly fake HH Cups plastered to his dad’s chest.

Then his face shrunk down, and his eyes morphed to match his slutty glasses.

Tom got hard watching his dad’s thin lips plump up, and shape into pouty pillows that could wrap around anything.

“Daddy’s little girl is ready for her fucking!!”

Tom fended off his dad’s advances, soon having to fend off all three transformed girls as they went for his cock.

Then Tom had a great idea, and quickly transformed himself into an asexual woman. He lay quietly and let the girls bore themselves with his calmness, then got up and gave his new giant boobs a jiggle.

“Why didn’t I think of this sooner?!”

Then Tom’s sister walked into the house, screaming in surprise to see a bunch of sexy naked strangers there.

“I know what to do!”

Tom closed his eyes, meaning to magically calm his sister down, but when he opened them he felt new sexual desire coursing through him.

“What? What happened?” Tom held his head, trying to ignore the growing craving in his mouth ass and pussy.

“You somehow combined your parents into a mega milf, and now you’re their ditzy daughter I guess…” George was a bystander to the whole thing. “I feel fine though”

“Why.. Why do I smell cock?” Tom turned his head, salivating when he saw his sister standing proud with a thirteen inch erection. Mom was already staring at her daughter’s cock, and a puddle of drool and cum had already formed by her feet.

The two pounced, practically in sync for the mesmerizing member.  Taking turns fervently sucking and licking on the head while holding onto the shaft for dear life.


“What are you guys doing?!?

Tom!! Stop sucking my cock and get rid of it!!”

Tom couldn’t help but giggle, get rid of a cock?? Why would he do that? Tom just wanted his sister to enjoy this as much as he was.

“Tom you have to stop uh, stop…

Don’t stop!! You girls are doing great!”

Tom laughed as the taste of precum began trickling onto his tongue, maybe after a few loads his sister could get her pussy back…
