"Hoo! Hope you're ready for tonight's stream, Leng. I went pretty hard at the gym earlier..." A burst of frigid air came through the front door of Neil and Leng's home as the deer entered. It was quite the cold day outside, but Neil wasn't really dressed for it, considering walking back in the cold was quite the nice feeling after a long day filled with exercise! His roommate, a mouse-tiger hybrid who was more than used to being crammed and stuck in all sorts of places throughout the deer’s body, was relaxing on the couch, snout stuck in a book until he heard Neil come in. "Crap, is it time for that already?" the mewse asked, before taking a glance at his watch to confirm that, yes, it really was time. He was surprised that he had spent a good two hours on the couch, just absorbed in this book! But Neil was home now, so the mewse would be the subject to a very different kind of absorption by the end of the night~ As Leng got off the couch, Neil headed straight into his room to get everything set up. The deer was an infrequent streamer, but his streams always featured quite a lot of wacky and lewd content. Leng acted as sort of a prop for it all, with viewers donating to get him under Neil's hooves, belly, ass, or even to stuff him inside somewhere to end the night off! It was a very special and goofy way to pull in viewers, and it absolutely worked wonders with how many different ways Leng could end up inside of or part of Neil... "All right everyone, welcome to the stream. We're going to have Leng in tonight to help me out, I think he's just cleaning up right now. Myself, I just got back from the gym, so..." Neil said as he leaned back in his computer chair, adjusting the camera a bit so that it got a perfect look at his chest, tummy, and the only piece of clothing that he was wearing right now, some undies with a cute antler pattern on them! A loud *bing* came through the deer's headphones as he continued setting up the stream, Neil looking over at his other monitor to see exactly what had triggered the alert. "Oh, $5 from hogwarrior! Already? Thank you so much...'5 minutes of hoof kisses', well, well, well. Looks like he's gonna be busy when he gets in here..." the deer said as he clicked a button on his other monitor, instantly switching the main camera to one beneath his desk, showing off his bare hooves rather nicely as they dangled and wiggled around. The door soon opened up behind Neil, the little mewse wandering in dressed in a purple skirt that accented his natural colors in a rather cute fashion! "A-alright, I think I'm ready..." Leng mumbled as he tried his best to hide his blush from the camera while he stumbled into frame. "Oh, perfect timing! Why don't you just crawl down there and give my hooves some attention, we already got a donation in~" Neil said to his roommate in quite the casual fashion as he lifted his feet up. "A-already!? Mrrf..." Leng fluster-grumbled as he got down onto his knees, creeping under Neil's desk while still trying his best to not look at the camera too much as he slotted his face right underneath those hovering hooves. "Can't have a good stream without a good footrest..." the deer commented as he planted his hooves right down on Leng’s face, humming nonchalantly as he returned his attention to his screens whilst casually mashing his roommate’s head between his clickety-clackity toes. "Alright, chat, I think we're going to do a little bit of Stardew today..." The earliest viewers were already abuzz with interest in what was on Neil's camera, teasing and talking about Leng as he grumbled and begrudgingly licked at the hooves that were smothering his face every now and again, still a little bit damp and humid from being packed in those exercise shoes for the whole day...! Neil only got, like, five minutes into his game before he was interrupted by another donation, though this one was a bit smaller. "$2 from corgizen42 to...stick a toe in that cute mewse's mouth, ooh. Well, can't say I've gotten that request before, so I'd be glad to give it a try...~" Leng quickly opened his mouth to attempt a protest at this turn of events, before very quickly realizing why that wasn't the best idea; but by then, it was far too late. Neil had stuck one of his hooves right into the mewse’s mouth, quickly rendering anything he could say into a flustered, muffled mess! "Mmm, warm...yeah, tongue right between the toes there." the deer mumbled under his breath as he continued to play on, though to anyone who paid enough attention to the camera, it was pretty obvious that the deer was getting quite aroused from all of this! Those cute undies were starting to tent out quite a bit, and every now and again, the chat could even see one of the deer's hands reaching down to give himself a little grope or a stroke between loading screens. If this was how tonight was starting, then the rest of the stream was going to be something these viewers couldn't tear themselves away from... "Remember, folks. Highest dono gets to decide where he ends up at the end of the night~" Neil interjected at some point in the next few minutes, having allowed Leng to catch his breath from that toe in his mouth while still firmly keeping his roommate underfoot. Not too long after that plug, the ding of another donation came in, and Neil once again looked to his monitor to see what he would be subjecting the mewse to next! "Ooh, $15 coming in from fatty_kobold. 'I bet that gaming chair needs a little bit of extra cushion', well, well, well...I do think it's pretty comfortable, but we could always see if it could be improved~" Leng was still close enough, and not smothered enough that he could hear what Neil and the chat had planned for him...the deer could already feel Leng's squirming starting to kick back up as he removed his foot from the mewse's face, Neil quickly bending down and scooping Leng off of the floor by his armpits and flopping him down in the chair he was just sitting in like he was little more than a squeaky, squirmy piece of furniture...which was a pretty accurate summation of what he was for this stream~ The mewse shivered a little bit as he was fwumped down into the warm spot on Neil’s chair, feeling all of that heat against the back of his head and knowing that it would soon be encapsulating his entire upper body. Those antler-patterned undies soon hovered above the mewse's face, casting a shadow over Leng while Neil continued to banter with the chat. "Oh, yeah, you should probably take a deep breath down there..." Neil took a second to advise his new seat cushion before his knees started to give out, and those thick, round, prey-enhanced cheeks dropped right down on legs face! "Mmh...he really is such a good cushion. I should keep you down here all the time..." Neil said with a satisfied grin on his face, jostling his hips from side to side until the mewse's perky little snout slotted right in between his fat cheeks. "So soft and wiggly~" he continued to say, before eventually returning to the game he had to pause. "I might keep him down here for longer than you paid for, honestly. Really good, mmh, ‘back support’…" Leng could barely hear anything Neil said while his ass was parked on top of him. It was all muffled and mixed in with the shuffly, scratchy noises of the fabric of the deer's underwear rubbing up against his fur…though that layer a clothing and did nothing to tone down the intense deer musk that emanated from further within! The heat down here was compounded by the dampness of Neil's taint and crotch, which had no chance of drying now that there was a huffing, shuddering cushion baking in its stifling muskiness! The only real haptic feedback Leng got was those cheeks occasionally shifting on top of his face, but otherwise, the mewse just kind of existed in this cloudy, heady realm of intoxicating deer scent for the time being, his lungs filling with it over and over again…down here for ten minutes already? 15? An hour? It all sort of blended together. The only thing that the mewse could use to tell time was the throbbing of his own shaft, straining underneath the skirt he was wearing. And even that was starting to just mesh together with all the other sensations that were flooding his body… "Ooh, You're right, chat. I should give him a little bit of time to breathe…" Neil commented after a few minutes of intense gaming, to the point where he had barely even remembered that he stuck Leng underneath him in the first place! The deer casually lifted one of his cheeks up just enough to sneak some fresh air in, the cold stuff rushing in and causing a coughing fit in the mewse who had become so used to the same, stale air in the past few minutes! "Heh. Real surprised I didn't feel him start trying to make out with my asshole or something through these undies. Or just getting a taste of the fabric regardless…" As if he summoned it, another donation pinged into existence right after Neil said that. "Oh! Another $25 from fatty_kobold. 'slip those undies off and let him snack'. No complaints from me~" Without even pausing the game, Neil reached back and grabbed the waistband of his briefs, lifting his ass up and giving Leng another brief respite from the crushing musk of his ass before slipping those undies down and planting his now-bare rear right back where it belonged! "OOooOh, cold nose, cold nose…" the deer whinged as he wiggled back and forth in his seat, caught a bit off guard by that sudden cold sensation right up against his warm, musk-fogged pucker…though it was quickly replaced by the much more agreeable feeling of Leng's tongue slipping right into where it belonged, without any prodding from Neil needed. His seat knew his place, after all…and he was addicted to tasting and inhaling Neil's spicy musk~ It turned out that having the mowger's tongue lapping at his hole was more than a bit distracting for Neil, though, making it quite difficult for him to focus on the game or his stream! Neil kept wiggling in his seat as he attempted to contain all these good feelings, though a hand did slip away from his keyboard and into his crotch, unashamedly fondling himself up as Leng dug his snout deeper and deeper into Neil's hind end. "God, he's such a slut for my ass…might end up having to cut this stream off a bit early if, hhf, my butt starts getting a mind of its own. Just a fair warning~" Thankfully for the chat, Neil was able to hold on just enough and return his focus back to the game so that Leng didn't end up as a bulge in his lower intestine after only about a half hour or so of stream time! Leng could just barely hear Neil talking about how eager he was too slurp and lick up his ass musk, the teasing words making the mewse whimper in defeat before he took another long, passionate slurp that ended up rubbing right against Neil's prostate, sending a shiver up the deer's spine! The taste and smell was so intoxicating, and it only got stronger as his stimulation got Neil more and more horny for what Leng was doing. A little bit too horny, in fact…good thing there was another donation incoming to help him relieve a little bit of that stress! "Oooh, $75 from hoardhead! Thank you so much! 'i think you need to dump a load in him right now'...mmh…" Neil trailed off, visibly stroking his throbbing shaft in the lower camera as he did so. "Yeah, that sounds like a pretty good idea. I think your mouth talents are being requested somewhere else, Leng~" That fat, spotted ass lifted off of Leng's face a few seconds later, leaving the mowger in a sweaty, muskie pile of himself as he finally got to see the cheeks he had been making out with for the past…god, had to be at least 20 minutes? He had taken a few breaks to get a breath of the closest thing to fresh air he could find down here, but otherwise, it had been near-constant rump appreciation, smothered under a good couple hundred pounds of deer to boot…! Leng barely had time to catch his breath, of course, given that Neil had already started to nudge the mewse off the seat of his chair and back down to the floor so he could be in a better position to give his friend some good top. "Hff…hah…can I get a couple of seconds to breathe…?" Leng asked, his face flush and his fur matted with sweat as he kneeled down in front of Neil's crotch, that thick, red rod just twitching away a few inches from his stout. Initially, Neil just spread his legs a little bit more in response to Leng's question. "Why, of course. As long as you aren't bothered by it being mostly musk~" the deer eventually responded as he wiggled forward in his chair just the tiniest bit. Enough that it gave the mowger a moment to collect himself, but not nearly enough to let him forget about what was coming next! The deer's shaft twitched expectantly right in front of him, already starting to dribble onto the carpet a little bit…how did they forget to put a towel down here like they always did? That hadn't happened in a while. It was a bit too late, though, and thinking about that was just the length of time that the mewse needed to get his bearings back. Slowly, he leaned in, opening up and letting the heat of his breath wash over Neil's cock, something that made the deer shiver and almost just shove himself right into Leng’s mouth! He managed to contain himself though, at least for the moment, knowing that it wouldn't be too much longer before he was poking at the back of his friend’s throat~ "Mmh, there he goes." Neil grumbled under his breath as he felt Leng start to wrap his mouth around his twitching, dribbling member, the mewse's tongue quickly getting to work on licking up all of the pre that Neil had been leaking out for the past couple of minutes! The deer let Leng go at his own pace at first, but eventually, things felt a little too good, and he had to start just…hump his hips forward, just the tiniest bit, to get things moving just that little bit faster! And though he heard a little surprised squeak from his partner when he did that, soon, Leng got back into his rhythm, his eyes closing as he suckled on Neil's shaft, taking deep breaths of that musky scent as a similar flavor entranced his taste buds, the whole profile of his senses being taken up by Neil's powerful musk. Taste, smell, touch, even his hearing and sight, they were all just deer…! "Mmfh, not going to lie, he's got me squirming in my seat right now, chat…" Neil eventually mumbled with a dopey expression on his face. To anyone watching, it was pretty obvious that his in-game performance was being affected by the head he was getting, but it was hot in its own way for the deer to finally admit that was exactly what was going on under that table~ Neil was a gradually starting to get more and more into Leng’s blowjob as the stream ticked by, humping deeper into the mewse's wet mouth as he suckled and slurped and did his best to keep up with the deer's ramping horniness! "Ohh…oh, okay. I'm going to, hh, going to need to move ya here, bud…" Head from his friend was always good, but something they didn't do very often was classic anal, and he had suddenly gotten quite the impulse to bust a nut right in that cute little ass! So, as suddenly as he had started, Neil yanked his cock out of Leng's mouth, not bothering to give the mowger a second to adjust before he reached down and grabbed Leng by the shoulders, lifting him right up onto his lap like a house cat! "Hh…this still counts as pumping a load in, right…?" Neil joked as he aligned his cock right between Leng’s cheeks, giving the mewse the briefest moment of respite before dropping him right down onto his pulsing, spit-soaked shaft, that hunk of venison immediately finding its mark and sliding a couple of inches right up inside Leng from just the power of gravity alone! The mewse yelped a bit as he suddenly took all of that, still in a musk-addled funk from the various parts of Neil’s body he was being smothered by just a few minutes ago…at least the air was more breathable in here, though he had to deal with his field of view bobbing up and down as Neil continued to thrust up and bury himself deeper inside his friend’s ass. "Mmh…tight…perfect…" Neil moaned in-between shallow breaths, the heat and tightness of the deeper regions of his friend's ass just simply unmatched in terms of coaxing out his orgasm! Neil held Leng firm in his lap as he thrusted up inside of the mewse, almost smothering the mowger in his arms as he closed his eyes, bit his lip, and prepared for a very messy orgasm. The deer had quite a lot to empty out, so he hoped that Leng was able to hold all of his spunk…! "AAAaaahhhnnnn~" Neil cried out after only a few more powerful thrusts into his friend's ass; the oral warm up, so to speak, had done quite a lot to get the deer to his explosive finish, and he really just couldn't contain himself for long once he got a taste of that tight mowger ass. Leng mewled as Neil continued to squeeze inward on him, pressure coming from both of those tight arms wrapped around him and from the ropes of thick deer spunk that were being pumped into his bowels, ballooning his underbelly out in ways he had not felt in quite a long time, even when he was servicing his roommate! The deer seemed to be extra pent up today…maybe he was just thinking about this the whole time he was at the gym. The thought made Leng's heart flutter a little bit; or maybe that was just the gallon of cum that was currently filling up his lower intestine… Neil took a long, satisfied exhale after his legs clenched one last time, the tense grip he had on his friend finally loosening as he slumped down and rested his chin on one of Leng’s shoulders. "OHhHhHh, that was pretty good…" the deer eventually drooled out, his cock softening up even as it was still deep inside of the mewse's ass! It was starting to retract a little bit, at the very least, but it would still take Neil a concerted hip movement to pull himself entirely out of that tight tunnel, and Neil definitely didn't have the energy to do that right now, so the two of them were going to be stuck together for a while. Though, the stream was more than happy with just watching the two of them for a little bit as Neil came down from his orgasm. And Leng? Well, the mewse had his eyes closed for most of this, and with the overwhelming sensation that was flooding the entire lower half of his body, he didn't even realize that he had made his own mess on the underside of Neil’s desk! "Eheh…Neil, I may have enjoyed that a bit too much…" Neil's brow furrowed in a confusing fashion, before his eyes opened and he looked down to Leng. At first, he wasn't really sure what the mewse was talking about, but then he saw the dripping from his friend's cock and the mess he had made shooting right through that cute little skirt! "Ohhhh, noooo~ how unfortunate, there's going to have to be a bit of punishment for making a mess like that…" the deer said in a half-serious tone of voice, making it very clear that he wasn't actually mad about the mess, but also very clear that the punishment was probably going to be something that they both of them would enjoy…though he couldn't move onto the next part without some assistance from chat! "All right guys, I'm setting up a quick poll…'how…to…punish…leng~'. Okay. I'm going to leave that up for 5 minutes, I think. Vote!" The poll had 3 options: "gut", "balls", and "bowels". A fairly innocuous set of words divorced from the context of the situation, but with what was going on…everyone knew that they were voting on where inside Neil this mewse was going to be spending the rest of the stream! As soon as he opened the voting, Neil exited out of the poll, mostly to keep it a surprise from the mewse, but also from himself as well…it had been a little bit since he had done something like this, and he was interested in seeing if the proclivities of his chat had changed at all, or if they were just in a certain mood tonight! It was hard to tell where things were going from the chat; all three options were being spammed repeatedly and messily while Neil just continued his game…after getting up from his desk and cleaning himself up at least a little bit~ "I'd say what I'm hoping for, but I don't want to influence any of y'all…" the deer said as soon as he sat back down, eyeing chat to see if Leng had taken a peek while he was away! The mewse was back on the floor after Neil lifted him up off his lap to get up, idly playing around with the deer's hooves as the two of them waited for the results to roll in. Neil knew how many people were watching tonight, and he expected there to be quite a war in chat, though he had exited out of that window as well to keep the suspense as he waited for the five minutes to pass. Mostly just playing his game, though he knew once that time was up, it really wasn't going to be a gaming stream for much longer…! Pressing his hooves down onto Leng's face slightly harder as the time ticked down, getting plenty excited for what was about to go down… "Alright, time to see where he's gonna end up~" Neil said as the ping went off in his headset. He left the two of them in suspense for a couple seconds, hovering over the poll icon on his taskbar. When he pulled both it and the chat up, Neil was delighted by how close the results were…and that his preferred choice for the evening had won out! Anal was at 28%, oral at 35%, and cock at 37%. "Oh, you all think it's as rare on the stream as I think, huh…" Neil commented as he already started to spread his legs out a little bit, letting the package that had already seen quite a bit of usage on the stream tonight flop back out, right in front of Leng to boot! "Well, it looks like you're taking another visit between my legs, Leng. Better get to it, they're ravenous to see you slipping down~" Neil said as he released the mewse from under his feet, wrapping one of his hooves around the mowger's back and gently nudging him forward towards his shaft, which was quickly growing to a size big enough to engulf Leng! The mewse stood still in front of Neil's quivering tip, taking a deeeep breath of the deer's spicy musk before leaning in and booping the tip with his muzzle; managing to stick the tip of his tongue out and get another taste of that shaft, before HE was stuffed inside of IT. "Ohhh, you seem to be a big fan of this punishment already~" these deer groaned out as that stimulation caused him to buck his hips forward; a very small movement in the grand scheme of things, but in this isolated moment, it was more than enough to send Leng's muzzle plunging into the meat of his shaft! The mowger's face lit up and a muffled grown of excitement escaped his muzzled lips as he was suddenly slurped right into Neil's thick, hungry shaft, the pink flesh coming right up to the edge of the mewse’s eyes and almost completely absorbing the lower half of his field of view in the process as well! Leng tried his best to take a breath in, before realizing that the only thing he could breathe in was the deer’s impossibly-thick, fragrant musk; and even that felt like he was breathing through a straw with how tight the pulsating shaft was around him…Neil continuing to hump forward, lewd schlucks and slurps accompanying that pinkness as it slipped over Leng's eyes and eventually over the top of his head, locking him in the musky, fleshy darkness and groaning nudely with every little wiggle Leng made. And he was making quite a lot of them! Cute little whimpers, grumbles as he attempted to lick and taste the inside of Neil’s musky shaft…though, Neil was able to tear himself away from the intense, powerful, hungry feelings in his lines to nudge the camera around until the picture was framed just perfectly. His fat, engorged shaft right along the center of the frame, tilted at a good angle so that the chat could see the bulges as they warped and wiggled underneath the flesh, and of course, the cute mewse who was being stuffed inside! Once those balls got all full as well, they would be sagging right down into the floor, perfectly in frame for the entire chat to swoon over and get jealous of~ And, oh boy, jealous they were. Plenty of "me next"s and "god I wish that were me"s scrolling up the chat window for Neil to sift through. And perhaps he would even take a few lucky viewers up on those offers in the future, if they were close enough, of course...for the time being, though, the deer already had a cutie to focus on chugging down his dick! The deer’s hips ended up slamming against the table a few times as he humped forward to swallow up more of the mewse, his slightly-sore hips more than worth it for the extra bit of mileage that he got on working down Leng. His shaft had slipped right over the mewse’s clenched shoulders, locking Leng in tight and making it much easier for Neil to get down the rest of him in the next few minutes. At this point, his shaft throbbed madly and pulsed with every little wiggle that Leng made inside of it, making it more than difficult to try and return back to his game while he waited for his cock to feed...he just needed to get Leng inside so that he could maybe have a chance of getting through the rest of this stream without becoming completely cum-brained! Though, honestly, the feeling of the mewse wriggling around inside of his balls might end up being even more of a distraction. Only one way for the deer to find out if that was true or not, of course! Leng was completely immobilized inside of Neil's tight shaft once his shoulders were swallowed up. The crushing pressure of the cock flesh around him made it entirely impossible to move, even the most basic wiggles and kicks being completely stifled by the thick deer meat that continued to encase more and more of his body. Neil kept those thrusts up at quite a healthy rate, shluking and shlurking the mewse's chest and tummy right up into the thick of his shaft, the chat cheering and egging him on through the whole process! Honestly, there were so many viewers now and so many messages filling up the screen that it was pretty much impossible to read any single one with how divided the streamers attention was right now. Seeing all that hype out of the corner of his eye, though, well...it just fueled him to ball the mewse even faster! Gritting his teeth and thrusting even harder, feeling the bulge of his friend’s head slipping beyond the base of his shaft and disappearing inside of his body for a few seconds before that weight dropped into his orbs, Leng dangling from the ceiling of Neil's sac as the lower third of his body was chugged down by the deer's ravenous cock... "Ohhhh, yeah, he's real deep in there now, guys...~" Neil groaned as his heart started to pound, Leng wiggling around in all the most perfect, wonderful ways, completely by accident as well! "Nn...I don't know if...I'm going to be able to keep him in there for too long..." the dear continued to say through exasperated, high-pitched breaths, far too busy stroking himself off and helping his hungry cock to slurp up the rest of the mewse to put much brain power and energy to what he was saying! Soon, it was just Leng’s purple paws sticking out from the end of Neil’s shaft, the mewse helplessly wiggling his feet and toes around a little bit as they stood on the precipice for a few moments while Neil rested. He could feel them right on the tip of his cock lips; he knew that this next clench would be the last one. And, even in the immensely-horny mood he was in, the deer still recognized that there was a show to be put on! And the chat would go crazy if they got the perfect video of the last of the Leng slipping inside... "Urf-okay..." Neil mumbled to himself as he tried to position the camera into the optimal spot, working around both the massive balls he now had and the crushing need to swallow down the rest of the mowger! "I-I think that looks pretty good. I guess." the deer managed to comment before a crushing clench of his cock came, far too powerful for him to even have the faintest hope of suppressing; and, with that movement, and a powerful groan of unbridled pleasure from the deer, Leng’s feet disappeared down his shaft, the length pulsating a few more times as it shoved the last of the mewse into those fat, sloshing balls. The chat went absolutely wild, of course, with the perfect perspective they were being treated to! They could see the crease between those big, fuzzy, gray orbs, probably deep enough for a few of them to slot right into it, and every little wiggle and movement that the mewse made under that thick pelt as well! "Oh-oh, *fuck.* He feels so good in there, guys..." Neil groaned as he arched his back a little bit, both of his hands gripping and squeezing his thick, throbbing shaft, stroking over every last inch of it, feeling all that sensitive flesh twitch and tingle under his touch...god, every little squirm the mowger made in his balls just made the deer's heart flutter, made his flesh clench and his cock belch up some musky pre onto the floor in front of him...not making a mess was out of the question at this point; Neil was really only focusing on not hitting the camera with his thick wads anymore! The deer bit his lip as he jerked off with absolutely no holding back, hearing the gurgly sloshes of his balls as his increasing lust really started to ratchet the heat and wetness of those orbs up for Leng to simmer and bask in. And simmer was absolutely the right word for it, considering how thick the cream around the mewse was to the point where it kind of restricted his movement by itself, even without the tight, clenching walls! The stuff already came up to the mewse’s curled-up shoulders, and as time went on, it seemed like Neil's musky orbs were only producing more and more of the stuff. Leaving Leng to bathe in it like a soup kettle... "Nnnn...melt in meeee, Leng~" Neil moaned loudly as he continued to fap unashamedly, feeling his thick orbs clenching so hungrily over the liquifying mowger as the chat egged him on to keep going. Leng was completely immersed in the musky, tingly fluid at this point, really simmering and being transformed into a thick deer load. Already it was getting hard to feel anything other than that pleasant tingling that kept getting deeper and deeper into the mewse's body, replacing and taking over any other feelings he could have as his form was being taken over and converted! It was a process Leng had gone through several times at this point, but it always felt a bit different getting melted and kneaded down by a pair of hungry orbs. Something about the heat of the environment, the thick, powerful deer musk pervading every single cell of his body...mmmmhhh. If he could be humping and relieving himself against these tight sack walls, he would most certainly be doing it right now! Something told the mewse that he wouldn't have to do much to push Neil over the breaking point while he was in here, though. Even through the thick, sloppy gurgling of his own corporeal form, he could hear those gasps of pleasure, becoming shriller and quicker and breathier as Neil came closer and closer to finishing... "Ohh, fuck. I can't hold him...here...unnggghhhhhh~" the deer's groans trailed off as he felt a sudden surge of white-hot jizz coming fresh from his balls, his cock pulsing as it shot the thick stuff out so fast that it splattered against the wall behind Neil’s desk as he reached a powerful orgasm. Tufts of purple and green fur still stuck out of the creamy mess that Neil was producing, signs that the mewse probably had some more time to baste in there if the deer wasn't so pent up and full of fresh cum that simply *needed* to be emptied out...the glasses the mewse was wearing certainly would have survived somewhere in the thick gunk that was being blasted against the wall and dribbling down to the carpet; though the same couldn't be said for that cute little skirt. The thin fabric it was made of had absolutely no chance of surviving the churning chamber that was Neil's sack, mixed in with the rest of the thick load that Neil was dumping out underneath his table. It all felt so unbelievably amazing...and the cameras were doing a good job of showing just how much ecstasy Neil was in! Head lolled back in his chair, which he was braced up against as all of the strength of left his body, his cock grinding against the underside of the table for a few seconds as it continued to spew out cream until Neil finally pulled far back enough for it to just spring out. Every twitch still belching up beads of cum as the deer slowly recovered, came down from the unbelievable high he was on just a few seconds ago. It was a crazy roller coaster for the deer to have been on, but it was most certainly worth it, if only to make some fantastic content for the stream to enjoy! "...I'm going to clean up. After I sit here for a few more minutes..." Neil eventually said after a couple seconds, slowly turning into his camera and reaching for his mouse to click off the stream. By the next time he went live, Leng would be back in the studio ready to add some hotness to the deer’s broadcast, but for now he was just a slowly- cooling stain on the wall under his table...