“Your head is smoldering, my lord!

You need my best medicine, now!!” The witch doctor exclaimed, mixing herbal concentrates and spices in her bowl. “Just a sip of this, and you’ll feel good as new!”

Lord Milner groaned as he pulled himself into a sitting position, “Thank you doctor, I can’t imagine how I will repay your kind acts…” He trailed off as the witch poured the medicine into his mouth.

“No need to thank me, lord. Your kindness will show through, and your goodness will continue on!” The bowl emptied as the witch finished speaking, and she backed away slowly and expectantly.

“I feel pretty good, it’s already- bwahhh!!!” Lord Milner was interrupted by intense vomiting, and didn’t stop til all the medicine had left his system.

“O no!! Lord, you must be an evil man!!

I’ve never seen someone reject so much of my life-saving medicine before!!” The witch cried, “What evil have you done to tarnish yourself so???”

Lord Milner looked into the witch’s eyes tearfully, “If I tell you, can you rid me of the impurity?”

The witch nodded solemnly, “Of course.”

“I’ve been buying all the town’s wheat before it comes in, and hiking up the price to enrich myself. The entire famine is my fault, and I’ve become wealthy beyond my wildest dreams because of it!!” Lord Milner spat out, unable to look the witch doctor in the eye.

She began crying immediately, slapping the surprised lord in the face before stepping a few feet back.

“I can help you…

But you will have to sacrifice a lot.” The witch said.

“Anything!! I’ll do anything to live!! Please help me!!” Lord Milner begged.

The witch began chanting and moving her arms, and Lord Milner could see the skin on his arms lighten. He felt hair tickle the back of his shoulders and passed out, falling into his old death bed.

Lord Milner was woken up some time later, his blankets much heavier than he remembered. Even when he got up, his legs felt abnormally smooth as they brushed against the sheet.

He got up on his feet, trying to ignore the giggling witch as he made his way over to the mirror.

“My cock is gone!! What’d you do with it???” He cried.

“In order to keep you alive I had to change you into this body, would you rather be dead?” The witch asked sarcastically.

“Rather be dead?? You turned me into a whore!!! What gives you the right?? Leave now, you cow!! Change me back, and then I never wanna see your ugly face again!!” Lord Milner yelled, trying to sound more imposing than he actually was.

“All the hurtful things you said have consequences”, the witch doctor said solemnly, “But if you wanna be a whore…”


No!!!” Lord Milner cried out in regret, feeling a mass begin to emerge from below his waist. His clothes disappeared, and Lord Milner could see a  pink object grow out of him.

He ran over to the mirror as the object grew inside him, moaning as he watched his naked body writhe in ecstasy.

The pink object was almost completely out of him, jutting more than a foot in front of his pulsating body. Then the witch clapped loudly, and Lord Milner squealed as the Pink object rushed back up inside him.

His virgin lips burned with desire as his arousal shot up, and Lord’ Milner’s hand couldn’t stay away from his throbbing womanhood.

Feminine moans became more luscious and slutty as he began choking on his building orgams, and Lord Milner squeezed his previously pert breasts as they slowly filled with fat.

The witch doctor laughed as Lord Milner relieved himself, believing the mind bending orgasms were coming to an end.

“Are you ready to live the life of womanhood you imagine?” She asked.

“You fucking- Mmmm… Like, you totally ruined my life!! You cunt!!” Lord Milner whined ditzily.

“So lesson not learned yet? Alright…” The witch clapped again, laughing as Lord Milner’s eyes opened wide.


Lord Milner convulsed as his crotch seemed to fill with new energy, and rippling layers of fat left his slimmer figure to travel up to his inflating chest.

A hand travelled behind him as his ass ballooned out, doubling in size as powerful orgasms transformed Lord Milner into something new.

His boastful ways and verbose attitude faded, leaving a shy, quiet, beautiful young woman.

“You’ll be perfect!! Now put on your uniform!” The witch threw a bra to Lord Milner, and he couldn’t stop his body from slipping his arms through the shoulder straps. He begged with his eyes as his hand closed the clasp around the cups, and he immediately began moaning loudly while squeezing the large cups.


His breasts grew to fill the D cup bra, and Lord Milner breathed a sigh of relief as they stopped inflating. Then the witch threw a second, even larger bra to him.

“Do it again.”

Lord Milner knew his body would listen to the witch, and gave in as he adorned the second bra. He felt a warm sensation when he zipped it up, a feeling he had been too busy fighting to focus on previously. He let his mind go as his breasts ballooned in the new bra, and Lord Milner was now just a busty peasant.

“Your name is Crystal.” The witch said in a manly voice.

Crystal looked up from the bed, surprised to be looking straight into an erect cock.

“I’ve transformed my myself” the witch said smiling fron a male body, “I’m gonna help teach you your lesson.”

She threw a latex onesie to Crystal, chuckling at the surprised look on Crystal’s new sexy face.

“You better put it on before I get a bigger one!

You’ll have to grow into it, of course…”

Crystal needed no further convincing, and quickly put on the latex maid outfit.

“Like, is this collar supposed to-” Crystal cut herself off, cursing herself for pointing out the collar and not just throwing it away.

“I almost forgot about that!! Put it on as tight as you could, and give me the leash.”

Crystal listened, and before she knew it was on her knees before the powerful witch.

“I’m your new master. Whatever I say goes, and I’ll do whatever I want to you.”

Crystal could barely pay attention, her eyes not able to leave the throbbing member inches from her face.

“So you want some of this…” The witch trailed off as penetrated Crystal’s cleavage, “You’ll love anything I do to you.”


Crystal moaned as precum began to lubricante the cock in her cleavage, but she couldn’t move from the position she was in.

Not that she wanted to. The erotic pleasure she felt from touching her master’s boner was greater than anything she had ever experienced, and she didn’t want it to stop.

After a few minutes, she couldn’t tell what cum was her’s and what was her master’s. She sucked the juices off his cock quickly, hoping to lick the rest off herself before she dried up.

As the saying goes; a clean maid is a happy maid!