-mini story- Opaline! - by Colonist! You: Notes? Check. Worksheets? Check. Textbook that I never read but carry around so I feel less guilty? Check. *You check your backpack one last time to make sure that you are indeed carrying all of the above before you close your locker and head home for the day.* You: I really can’t be the only one who does that with textbooks, right? Never reading them, but as long as my back feels the weight, I feel studious enough? *Talking to no one in particular seems to be a habit that your friends have noticed that you’ve recently picked up. You’re about to leave the school when a familiar figure stands in your way…somewhat meekly.* ???: O-oh! Hi there! Remember me? Oh, of course you’d remember me. Gosh, I’m such a screwup! How could anyone forget such a screwup? You: You’re…hey, you’re that Misty girl, right? That one with the cover stories, but - Misty: I’m so sorry for this! *You barely have time to raise your eyebrows before the girl in question sprays you in the face with some sort of bottled fragrance. It wasn’t mace, that’s for sure, but one odorless whiff was enough to cause you to feel faint and go limp. The last thing you remember thinking is the thought of hoping that you don’t hit your head on the way down…and another voice in the periphery. The last thing you remember feeling is the owner said voice catching you under your arms before you hit the floor.* ???: At least you didn’t screw this one up. Help me get him out of here, Misty! *You wake up in what looks to be the nurse’s station. This one looks different though - more equipped, more…upscale, even? The bed you’re on is certainly more comfy than the ones that you remember lying on in Canterlot High’s nurse station. The same voices that you last heard are starting to register in the background.* Misty: I used the same ration and mixture, I swear! ???: Misty, if that boy doesn’t wake up before the evening’s end, you and I are going to have more than words! *The other figure’s voice sounds quite imposing - bombastic even. You don’t want to give away you consciousness by getting a look at who it belongs to, so you do your darnedest to play dead. It doesn’t work.* ???: Don’t try that “play dead” schtick with me, boy! I’ve taught enough classes to know when a student is faking boredom to spite me, and…well…your spite is out of fear, huh? *The imposing voice trails off with a hint of sinister amusement. You stay frozen in a last ditch attempt to continue the ruse, but you find your shoulder being roughly grabbed and your whole body flipped over in the other direction. You’re brought face to face with a woman with a figure much like Principal Celestia’s.* ???: That’s a sharp change in demeanor since I last saw you. Do you not remember me? You: What? ???: Are you not Doppelgänger? Strange that you’ve lost that shadow over your eyes… You: (thinking) That guy! ???: Hmm, hmm, I suppose his name really had some meaning behind it. Misty! Misty: Y-yes! ???: You’re dead certain that this boy is him? Misty: Yes, down to the address! ???: Looks like Superintendent Discord wasn’t blowing smoke when he talked about your sleazy other half. Allow me to introduce myself: ex-principal Opaline Arcana! Muahahaha! You: …I’m guessing that you’re evil? Opaline: Evil? Goodness no, I prefer “cunning.” Misty was about to retrieve some potentially favorable documents from your school’s archive until your timely intervention! My reinstatement relied on a lot of that! You: I remember that part but not the intervention part. Opaline: Yes, that much is apparent. Only this “doppelgänger” could’ve been enough of a character to send Misty back in humiliation. I demand you call him back so that he and I can continue our discussion henceforth! You: I…that’s tricky to do. He just seems to come and go whenever he feels like it. Opaline: Figures. You look to be his meeker half, Mr. Weaker Half. You: Hey, I owned my own body first…ma’am! And I have a name, it’s - Opaline: Doesn’t matter! Hmph, maybe I can summon him out of you. He is quite a sleazy character after all. How about it, boy? Have you had dinner yet? You: Summon? H-huh? Are we going out for a meal? Opaline: Consider this a lesson, free of charge, for you. For him - if you’re out there - consider this an incentive! *Ex-principal Opaline pushes you back down on the bed and begins to undo her undergarments. You’re amazed at the realization that you were so caught off guard by your predicament that you didn’t notice that she was underdressed in the first place. Misty only watches on with observant curiosity; clearly she was some sort of understudy/apprentice under this woman. Said women removes her panties and stands close right over you.* Opaline: You cannot start learning on an empty stomach, boy. So eat. You: W-what!? Opaline: Eat! *Opaline jumps onto the bed and over your chest to straddle you. It’s not until she moves up to your face that you start to get the picture. Damn, all those times with the other girls, and you hadn’t ever gotten to this part! Where’s Doppy when you needed him? You try doing what you remember from all those porn videos that you’ve watched from your spare time, awkwardly tonguing at the presented nether meal in your face. You’re surprised at the taste, and you reflexively remark at the name of the flavor that you’re reminded of. It’s a clear faux pas as Opaline backs herself from your face.* Opaline: What!? Chicken!? You think I taste like chicken!? You: N-no, ma’am! That’s not what I meant to say! Opaline: Regardless of what you meant to say, boy, you do not comment on a woman’s taste - figuratively or literally! You: Yes, ma’am - *Opaline shoves herself back onto your face. What else do you remember about eating the proverbial box? You remember that one trick that your buddy Micro Chips swore by (although you doubt the veracity of his claims that he’s done it before) involving letters of the alphabet, and you start tracing letters from “A” to “Z” with your tongue. Opaline gasps and bites her lip: a good sign. Damn, maybe Micro’s incidentally right! You’re going to have quite the story when/if you make it out of this! Your tongue gets to the letter “Q” before you realize that you started humming the letters just then. Ever the observant former educator, Opaline hears you, and you see that faux pas number two has been committed when she once again backs herself from your face.* Opaline: Goodness almighty, boy! Humming the alphabet!? Music during the act is subjective, but I cannot think of another mood-killer that such an elementary song! Hmph, perhaps you need some incentive yourself. You are giving an “A” in effort, alphabetically speaking, but maybe I…Misty should give you the incentive. Misty: M-me, Principal Opaline? Opaline. You haven’t eaten all day, right? Well, have some salad then! *The girl doesn’t even hesitate to follow orders. Misty proceeds to get on the foot of the bed, lifts you by your thighs, and starts licking your ass. Holy hell, your end’s never been on the receiving end of that end! You don’t have time to comment on the action as Opaline slides herself back onto your face, and you go back rot awkwardly tonguing at her folds. The next few minutes are punctuated with various slurps and gasps as this unconventional threesome continues on. You wonder how long you’ll be kept doing this when Opaline finally relents and lets herself up and away from you. She gives a curt nod to Misty who stops and does the same.* Opaline: It just figures. Maybe he’s stuck doing that errand in Tartarus or something… Misty: What do we do, Opaline? *Opaline leans down to meet your face and sneers.* Opaline: Whenever your better half comes back, tell him to get in touch with me ASAP. He and I have more business to discuss and negotiate. Lesson over. You’re dismissed. You: Huh? Just like that? *Opaline finishes getting redressed and walks out the door of the nurse’s station, Misty in tow. You fall back on the bed as you try to process what transpired. That’s when you feel the somewhat familiar presence possess you again. It’s him.* Doppy: So, how was it? You: What..you were here the whole time!? Doppy: Sure, but I wasn’t really in the mood to talk just yet since my last hookup with her. Besides, I thought I’d throw you a bone! You: Last hookup!? I know that you’re sharing my body, and I don’t recall ever meeting that woman! Doppy: Yes, well, you see…remember those mornings where you have vivid dreams and nightmares, and you wake up still feeling tired? You: You…that was you!? Doppy: Sure! I didn’t want to intrude on your daily schedule and figured that I’d do my business when you’ve checked in for the night. You: You! Ugh. *sigh* I know its your business, but as long as people know that it’s not me or that you’re my twin or something like that, why don’t you just ask me before dragging me on a semi-sleepwalking escapade? Doppy: Huh. I never thought about that. You: Well, you do now. I don’t want to have to ask Pinkie to tie me down to my bed. If she finds out that its you and not me, she’s been known to do all kinds of things with those balloons. Doppy: *shudders* I still remember what she did with that lengthy snake balloon - way too kinky for my tastes! You: So we have an agreement then? Doppy: Fine. You: Good. Doppy: I gotta ask how it feels to taste chicken and give salad at the same time. You: Doppy…drop it…before you ruin chickens, salads, and chicken salads for me!