You make sure to walk around the lake near your house every day, the exercise and relaxation it affords helps you a lot. Sometimes there’s kids playing around, sometimes there are families having picnics, but you rarely get bothered. Occasionally you’ll see a neighbor and perhaps tip your cap, but in your small town there’s nothing ever more interesting than that.

Today you can feel someone behind you on your walk, following you for a few minutes before you stop and turn around.

Could’ve sworn there was someone there…

You continue walking and immediately feel the presence again, making you turn around again to reveal yourself to be alone. You shrug your shoulders and continue, deciding the presence felt is just an odd breeze or something…

Oh, your shoelace is untied!

You hear hastened footsteps as you decide to bend over, but you can’t stop yourself. Suddenly your waist band ceases to cover your lower back, pants becoming far tighter than you remember as the wind kisses your torso like it’s not covered. You could’ve sworn your eyeline was higher just a few moments ago, and why do your boxers feel so tight?

Suddenly you feel a pinch in your lower back, and sparks trickle down your spine as time slows down. The crest of your ass is squeezed, a bone chilling tightness centered right above your deepening crack. You can feel your pelvis firmly push up against your blossoming buttocks, stretching your hips to unreal proportions as your ass balloons against the boundaries of your denim.

At this point you can guess what’s happening, a tickling on your shoulders telling you long hair is cascading down your back. Your waist cinches in to accentuate your hourglass figure, and gravity helps spill fat into your chest as you finally bend over to tie your shoes.


You’re surprised to feel something tug at the back of your underwear, but the only sensation from it is pure euphoria. You can only gracefully stand and moan to yourself, involuntarily brushing your hair back femininely as your legs walk forward like a robot model on their own.

What the fuck???

Who’s behind you??

You try turning around to look, only to be practically blinded by the intense aura of masculinity behind you. Your lips curl into a delicate pout as a sudden deluge of passion floods your new womanly core, overwhelming your worries as your breasts continue to inflate.

“You look confused, my pet; just keep quiet for now and I’ll explain everything when we get home...” The man holding your leash trails off, smooth voice like velvet on your tiny eardrums.

You have so many questions to ask, but find yourself unable to say a word as you’re walked around the lake like a dog. It starts getting hard to not think of your new handler as master, and making him happy with you slowly becomes your obsession.

Your ass sticks out far behind you, and you wiggle it a bit extra with each step to please master. You see him smile when you pant with exhaustion one time, so now you can’t stop sticking your tongue out like his dog.

You’re too preoccupied with lust to notice you left the lake till you’re standing outside what is presumably master’s house, where he goes on to scratch beneath your chin like a dog before letting you into the house. Once inside he takes off your leash, and suddenly the full weight of your body reveals itself. Your dainty movements give way to sloppy clumsiness, every pound of fat on your body jiggling and throwing you off balance.  

“What the fuck is happening??

What did you do to me, and why was I acting so weird before???” You demand, voice nothing like you’re expecting as a sexy soprano echoes around the room.

“I needed a new pet, and you were the first person I saw. My leash turns you into whatever body I want, but the mental effects are only temporary. I don’t like to use it too much, but if you misbehave it goes back on, understood?

It’s not permanent, but the longer you wear it the more like my pet you’ll become. I’m sure you know about that already, isn’t that right?”

“Yes, master.” You answer shamefully as your clothes change into something more comfortable, making master's point as you submit yourself to his desires.

“That’s right!” He laughs, “I can personally program most of the leash with this device right here and I definitely don’t want you touching it, so I’m putting it somewhere you’ll never be able to get to!”

Master laughs evilly as he throws the controller looking device on top of his bird cage, easily accessible to your old body- more than two feet further than your current body can reach.

Suddenly master gets a call, and rushes out of the house citing some type of emergency. You’re not sure if he meant to leave the device right out in the open, but you’re not gonna miss your chance!

You quickly grab a stool, and jump onto it after placing it next to the birdcage. The jiggling heft of your ass distracts you as you strain and stretch, your elastic pants tightly hugging every inch of roundness behind you. It only takes a few seconds to realize you can pull it through the inside of the cage to your other hand, and then…

Got it!!

You easily find the customization landing screen, and begin editing a body and mind to most closely replicate your old one. It takes several more minutes than you anticipate, and by the end you’re hyperventilating as your mind screams that master will return soon!

“Done!” You cheerfully exclaim aloud, hitting the save button and quickly putting the leash back on your panties.

Then the screen blurs, and you blink repeatedly to clear your vision.

Oh fuck!!

The body you now see on screen is an exaggerated version of your own, no longer the average man you thought you were about to become. The same goes for the mental settings, your reversals now just augmentations of a submissive slut.

Is this a glitch??

“You were doing it all along, I just tricked your mind into thinking it was programming something else- part of the original changes!” Master’s voice suddenly freezes you, triggering a new euphoric feeling in your brain that has you salivating.

Your body balloons as master picks up the leash, breasts and ass expanding to match the busty bimbo you created onscreen. You want to be mad about all this, but master’s smile fills you with pure joy!

Even as your outfit melts into a skimpy maid’s, you thank master for the opportunity to serve him. Perhaps this was his plan all along, who are you to question master?

He wanted you to choose your new body, so shouldn’t you be happy?


“You mortals are so easy to trick!

You thought I would just leave the device there for you to change back??” Master laughs hysterically, “I just can’t max out another person’s settings, it’s a safety feature so only the person changing can really go all out with their transformation. You could’ve waited a few hours and the changes would’ve reverted, plus it would’ve made you immune to the leash too!

But I warped your perception of the device with my initial changes, so then I just needed to let you do the rest…

Luckily I’m a lot wiser than you pathetic humans, so it wasn’t difficult to play you like the dumb fiddles you are!”

Making master happy fills you with feelings greater than any sex you ever had, it’s happiness you can cherish forever. You can still remember your entire old life with family, friends, even your dog… But all the joy they can bring you in an entire lifetime pales in comparison to a second of master’s smile, and getting his approval is orgasmic!

You may not have appreciated becoming masters pet at first, but now you can’t imagine a better life!