The Secret Weapon I was feeling pretty nervous when I agreed to be on my school’s quiz bowl team. Not that I was daunted by the academics, of course; I was already a shoe-in to be my class’s valedictorian. Nor was I worried about performing under pressure. I’d scored a 1560 on my SATs on my first time out and I hadn’t even studied. Nor was it the time commitment; I’d been balancing my academics with my baby-sitting jobs and ballet classes since forever. It was the boys. Boys don’t frighten me, mind you; I’m not one of those shy girls who always makes excuses about not knowing how to talk to them or something. If anything, they’re the ones who are intimidated by me. I’m not built like Kate Upton or anything, but I’m pretty enough, I know, tall and leggy. Which boys are quick to notice, and from there, boys are quick to try to fuck me like I’m some desperate geek who’ll spread her legs for any three-inch prick who has the guts to approach me. This was why I was nervous. I was the only girl on the senior squad of the team this year; the rest of them were a bunch of horny adolescent males. If they weren’t exactly knuckle-draggers like the jock squad, they still had all the hormones and libido that went with the turf. Today was our first team meeting, and I intended to establish right off the bat that I wasn’t just some dumb piece of eye candy, and any sort of romantic or sexual entanglements were absolutely off the table. I was here for one extra item for my college applications, period end. We were meeting in Mark Jasper’s guest house, just the team members, for a sort of meet and greet/placement testing they’d set up, to determine what everyone’s strengths were to place them. Per Mark’s instructions, I let myself in and there waiting for me was the rest of my team – Dave, Aaron, Hayden, Victor and Brian, all of whom I knew from my honors classes. And JR. Wait, JR? “Hey, Cassandra,” Mark said as I seated myself a comfortable distance from the rest of them. “Yeah, hi guys. What’s he doing here?” I pointed to JR. “We already have a full roster and an alternate. You’re not even in most of the advanced placement track classes, are you?” “Relax, relax,” Dave said. “JR’s kind of our guru – he’s gonna guide us through a little pre-meeting meditation, then skedaddle. All right?” “It’s not a prayer thing, is it? This club is supposed to be entirely secular.” I frowned. “Nah, just to get our minds limber. Come on, now that we’re all here, let’s get going.” Everyone else seemed fine with it, and while I’m not one to blindly follow the crowd, it seemed harmless enough. They closed the blinds and turned out the lights, then lit a candle in the middle of the circle of us. I stared at the tiny flame, letting my attention get sucked in, the way candles will do to you. “Welcome everyone,” JR began. “We’re all here to open our minds, so if no one objects, I’m going to burn a little incense here just to give our candle a little extra boost.” No one objected, so he went ahead and lit a couple sticks of incense. “Now just focus on the flame,” he went on once it was going and the smoke was filling my nostrils. “Fix your eyes on it, and empty your minds. Your eyes, fill with the flame… your mouth, fill with the smoke… your ears, fill with my voice. There is nothing else… just the flame… the smoke… my voice…” I was already tuning him out, honestly. The incense smelled a little weird to me at first, but it grew on me pretty quickly. I’d studied methods of Zen meditation once for a report on multiculturalism, so it was easy to switch my brain off and lose myself. There was nothing else but me. And the flame. And the smoke. The voice. Just flame, smoke, voice. I guess whatever he was doing must have worked, because when the lights suddenly turned back on, I felt like a totally new person. I squinted in the sudden brightness, slowly regaining my eyesight to see the room full of boys all looking at me. “How do you feel?” Mark asked me. I thought about it. “Weird. Sorta like I had some kind of out-of-body experience, only… I didn’t return. Like my mind went somewhere else, and didn’t come back.” The guys all looked around at each other, big grins lighting up their faces. I didn’t know why, but then, that made sense. They were boys. Boys knew tons of things. “So… do you remember who you are?” he asked. “Um, ya. I’m Cassie.” I beamed at them, then lowered my voice to a whisper. “I’m your secret weapon.” Dave turned to JR. “Why is she whispering?” JR shrugged, so he turned back to me. “Why are you whispering?” “Um, ‘cause I’m a secret weapon,” I whispered. “Like, duh.” “Holy shit, it actually worked!” Aaron cried. The guys all took a moment to congratulate one another, especially JR. I just took off my glasses and casually chewed on one of the arms while they talked. (Not like I needed glasses – what was I gonna do with them? Read?) They went on and on congratulating one another – Hayden for talking me into joining the team, Mark for providing a quiet space, Aaron for bringing the nose plugs they boys had put in to protect them from the mind-altering fumes, Dave for providing the special incense. And JR, especially, for hypnotizing me. Finally Mark quieted everybody down. “Now, Cassie, I’m going to level with you. The rest of the team already met and figured out our spots. We won’t actually need you to be one of our primaries.” “Oh thank goodness!” I said, relieved. What the would a dunce like me do in a smart-person competition? “But, just to put us all at ease, why don’t you tell us about how you can still help us. Come on, Cassie. Tell us how the secret weapon works.” This was easy. I had a super smarty brain, after all, but JR was smarter and tricked me into making all my thinky thoughts focused on sex and cock and boys and fucking and sucking dick and getting my cunt stuffed and having boy after boy pound my pussy like a cheap little slut and– “Cassie?” Mark prompted. Oh. Oopsie. “Sorry boys. So, um, I was thinking that, like, even though I’m not smart enough to take tests and do words and number stuff, like, I could still help everyone out!” “Help us how,” Hayden said, smiling patiently. “Well, like, however you want. Like, if you get thirsty, I could bring you drinks. Or if you get bored, I could give you a lap dance. Or if you get stressed, I could suck your cock. Or if you get horny, I could bend myself over a table and beg you to fuck my creamy little slut pussy until you explode inside me!” “Um, I think I might be feeling stressed,” Victor said. Brian slugged his shoulder. “Not yet, dude. Remember, we gotta run diagnostics first, make sure she’s tuned right.” Dave nodded. “I did my research, and that shit is potent. We have to make sure everything went smooth, or we could find out the hard way she interpreted something wrong or that she ODed or who knows what. We don’t want to turn her into a vegetable.” I giggled. Vegetables were funny. Carrots. Cucumbers. Dildos. (Were dildos technically a fruit?) “All right, Cassie, sounds like you’re really committed to helping out your teammates,” Mark went on. I nodded vigorously. “Um, ya! I’d do anything to help my teammates!” “Well, those things you mentioned sound helpful and all, but what about at competition? You can’t exactly give us a blowjob while we’re taking the tests.” I pouted. “I can’t? That’s super not fair.” “Sorry, gumdrop, but them’s the breaks. What else could you do to help us out though? Come on, you’re the secret weapon! Think like a weapon!” I tried. It wasn’t easy, thinking with my cotton-stuffed girlbrain. What the heck did a dumb-dumb like me know about passing tests? The only thing I knew a lot about was using my body to make boys happy. Wait a sec… “Oh! Oh! Oh! I know! Pick me! Call on me! I know! Oooh! Oooh!” I waved my hand frantically for a moment before I realized they were letting me talk. I took it down and giggled at how silly-headed I was being. “I could, like, go to the other teams and make them lose!” The boys laughed at me, at how dumb I was. It was pretty funny, honestly. “How would you do that?” “Um, I could like, tell them I’ll show them my boobies if they let you win! Or maybe my pussy. Hmm, which do you think they’d like to see, my titties or my cunny? Oh, or my butt! Boys always love my butt!” It was true. I had legs that went on for a mile (not actually, you know, but like they were long, ya know?), and they ended in a really nice big round butt. All my dancing classes made sure it stayed good and sexy. I stood up and bent over so they could verify it. Looking back at them, I could tell they were impressed with my good idea. “Maybe let them pick which one,” Brian suggested. That was smart – why make a decision about something when there was a boy to decide it for me? “Oh yeah! Or like, I could strip for them, or like jack them off, or suck their cocks, or whatever you think would help. I’m a pretty cute little piece of ass, so like, I bet a lot of these horny nerds would go gaga for a chance at a little bimbo like me!” As I sat back down, the boys agreed this was probably true – and they should know, right? They were a bunch of horny nerds, and they’d gone to the trouble of brainwashing me into a half-brainless little fuck toy! It was really quite flattering. “That sounds like it could make a serious dent in our competition. Smart thinking,” Mark admitted. I smiled; being called smart – by a boy! – always felt good, on the rare occasions when it happened. “So just one last test, just to make sure everything worked…” “No, man,” Brian protested. “It’s too risky – we should just have our fun now while she’s still stupid. Just in case.” “She’s hotter like this anyway,” Victor added. Aww, how sweet. “I actually thought she was hotter before,” Hayden argued. Aww, also sweet. The boys fell to arguing about the next step. I tried my best to follow, but with a head full of duck fluff it was hard. (Not the good kind of hard, like a cock.) It seemed to be about whether or not if they turned me back into my old self, they could still make me obey them. I sure hoped they could. It would be a crushing loss to the team otherwise. JR finally settled it in sneak fashion, letting the argument reach its peak before he came over to me and whispered in my ear. Weirdly, I couldn’t make out the words, yet somehow I comprehended precisely the intention connotated therein. Whoa. I was myself again. “You good?” JR asked me quietly as Victor and Brian quibbled over whether my vagina would lubricate as readily in my more natural mental state. I nodded. “That very much depends on how one defines ‘good,’ but in the spirit I suspect you intended your question, I am.” JR nodded, then put two fingers in his mouth and let out one of those piercing whistles that silenced a room. “Guys – I brought her out of it.” They all looked at me, and I could see plainly they were a bunch of scared little boys who had meddled with power far beyond what they were meant to possess, and were terrified of the consequences. After all, if I went to the police, they were all old enough to be tried as adults. I’d always heard rapists weren’t well-treated in jail, and I doubted it would be any better for a bunch of wimpy teenage mind-rapists. Mark looked me over, and I looked right back at him. A moment ago, I’d have been far too timid to make eye contact with him; now, it was he who had a hard time. “So, Cassie – err, Cassandra. How do you, um, feel?” I drummed my fingers on my knee calmly. “How do you think I feel? Humiliated. Disgusted. Furious.” JR interjected. “So why aren’t you doing anything about it?” “Because I’m the team’s secret weapon. I belong to the team.” As he should well know, having programmed me. As one, the boys heaved a sigh of relief. “So you obey your teammates, even when you’re like this?” “Of course.” They grinned. “Stand up,” Brian commanded. I stood. “Take your clothes off,” he said. “Hey, what’s the rush – we should have her do a sexy little strip tease or something,” said Aaron. I looked between them, arching an eyebrow. “Well, which would you prefer?” They took a vote. By a four to three decision, I hastily shed my clothes, soon standing there naked in front of my teammates. For some of them, it was undoubtedly the first time they’d seen a girl naked in person. For all of them, it was the hottest. “Wow, her boobs are bigger than I thought they’d be.” “I’ve seen bigger.” “Yeah, on who?” “Her bra tag says she’s a C cup – that’s nothing, man.” “Looks pretty good to me.” “And that ass! Damn, I knew it was hot, but that’s just perfect!” “Have to have her trim that snatch though – that’s just unseemly.” “Carpet matches the drapes though.” “Even has a thigh gap – girl keeps in shape.” “I wonder if her nipples are hard because she’s cold or because she’s horny.” It was because I was cold, but I’d been programmed to be deferential to my teammates, who clearly right now wanted to treat me as a sexual object rather than a person. So I let them. They had me spread my legs so they could inspect my pussy, and had a few comments on its appearance as well – as if having darker-colored labia was something I had control over. They put me through a few more physical tests of obedience – I stood on one foot, hopped up and down, crawled on all fours, flashed my breasts out the window, did the splits – then again standing upright – and so on. Soon, they were satisfied that I would obey anything they told me to do. “Now, we have to check on her mind,” JR said. “Can’t we just fuck her already! They’re turning blue over here!” Aaron whined, and several of them agreed. “This’ll be worth it, fellas – trust me. I’ve done you solid here so far, haven’t I?” They grudgingly conceded that he had, and JR turned his attention back to me. “Cassandra.” “Yes?” “You will comply with any order your teammates give you, right?” “Yes.” How could these dolts still doubt it? “What if we tell you to feel something? Will you do that?” “What, like your penises?” “They’re cocks, Cassandra.” The word “penis” vanished from my vernacular. “What, like your cocks?” He smiled. “No. I mean, for example… I want you to get turned on by obeying us.” I gasped as my mind went through a lightning-quick adjustment, re-aligning itself to enjoy the shame I felt at being their play-thing. In moments, my pussy started getting wet. “How do you feel now?” he asked. “Horny. I still don’t like it, but I can’t deny that it turns me on.” JR eyed his detractors, who had to admit this was indeed a worthy use of time. “All right, Cassandra. I want you to not just feel aroused by it – though you do, of course – but I want you to enjoy it. You fucking love it.” There it was again. I found myself adopting a sultry smile. Damnit this was hot. I was going to have the time of my life with these geeks. “Well?” Victor prodded. “Tell us honestly, what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” “I’m looking forward to it,” I said. “I’m horny and I’m eager and… well, smart as I am, I can’t for the life of me figure out why you guys aren’t fucking my scrambled brains out. I still hate you and I think you’re all assholes, and I could do so much better than you, but I know it’ll be incredible anyway. I want to obey anything and everything you tell me to do. I want to be used.” That didn’t make them happy for some reason. “You know, this is why I told them it had to be you, Cassandra,” Hayden said. “Anyone else, I might’ve actually had reservations. But you… you make this easy. By the way, from now on, you think we’re amazing. We’re the coolest, hottest, most desirable guys in school as far as you’re concerned. Understand?” I blushed a little. Surrounded by all these hot guys, and lucky for me, they were going to control me and use me, just like I loved! “Sure do, um, stud,” I said, suddenly a little shy. “Heh. This is how you’re going to be with us from now on, understand? Even if we’re in the middle of class, if we tell you to do something, what are you going to do?” “Obey,” I said automatically. I thought about the kinds of things a bunch of power-mad horny teenage geeks with a total lack of respect of me might do. Wear slutty oufits? Sit on their laps? Blow them in the boy’s restroom? Let them loan me out to friends – or teachers? God, it was all so fucking hot. It would destroy my reputation – maybe even get me expelled, depending on how far they took it – but fuck it all if I didn’t just love it anyway. Besides, guys as awesome as these could do whatever they wanted to me. Literally. “Um, so… would you guys like to have sex with me now? My vagina is moist as hell, and I’m just so thoroughly aroused,” I said, stroking my pussy lips for them. “Bring Cassie back,” Victor complained. “This dumb-ass doesn’t know when or how to talk.” Then someone said something, but I didn’t quite catch it. I’m so ditzy that way! “Like, oh to the em gee, you guys, are we gonna start gearing up for the tournament soon or what?” Gosh! I knew teenage boys were horndogs, but until you’ve had a half dozen guys fuck you in the span of a couple hours in every possible hole, you just don’t know how much so! They reminded me how much I loved obeying – obvs! – and how obsessed I was with pleasuring their cocks – which, by the way, are the bestest cocks in the whole universe – and I just let them have their fun. I stood there with my hands over my head, grinning as they all groped and squeezed and pinched and fondled and fingered and spanked me. None of them spanked me too hard, because they said my butt had to be ready for fucking. That was smart – I never would’ve thought of that. When they had enough of that, they had me pose for them and took a bunch of pictures. Bending over touching my toes, on my back with my ankles behind my head, more splits. Then they posed with me! First just standing by me while I tried to look sexy, then they wanted pictures of me sucking their cocks or with their cocks between my boobies or with me looking at their cocks like I was super amazed by how big they were. Which I was! They told me to feel that way, so I did. Then I got on my knees and crawled to them one by one alphabetically (with some help on the tougher letters) and sucked their cock. Dave and Hayden jizzed on my face, Aaron on my boobies. The rest told me to swallow, so I swallowed. After that, it was kind of a free-for-all. I was never with less than two cocks at once, and usually more. They were super nice about it, even though I could tell they couldn’t wait to plug my slutty holes. They came on me so much they had me go out in the yard a couple times so they could hose all the jizz off of me. Then I came back in and tried to get as many cocks at once as I could – which was a lot! I rode Dave, bending forward so Aaron could fuck my hot little ass, while Brian and Mark both filled my mouth so full it felt like it was stretching apart. (I was pretty touched to see they were such good friends they didn’t mind me blowing them at the same time!) At the same time I did my best to jack off Hayden and Victor, though I felt bad because I was cumming so much and being fucked in so many different directions that I didn’t do a very good job. I apologized after, while they were spraying all their cum off of me again. (It took a while this time!) They said it was OK, that it was good enough. Good enough for them, maybe, but not good enough for me. I had a competition to win! Yessir, I had a lot of work ahead of me if I was going to be their secret weapon.